在海底移动的幽浮示意图。 (达志影像/Shutterstock)
据《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)4日报导,「不明空中现象专案小组」(Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, UAPTF)分别在2018,还有今年夏天发布了机密「位置报告」(position reports) 。
而据《汇报》(The Debrief)报导,好几位情报消息人士透露,这些报告已在情报界广为流传。而这些令人震惊的内容中,还包括1张先前从未曝光的照片。报告说,这些不明飞行物从海中窜出,以不可思议的速度飞向空中。
Leaked photo from Pentagon UFO task force shows 'sliver cube' hovering over the Atlantic https://t.co/gBJgGh7NRh
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) December 3, 2020
UFOs 2020: This thread is intended as a catch-up for people whose attention is newly drawn to recent published revelations regarding interest, by some organs of the US government, in certain UFO events. This thread touches on some significant developments of the past 3 years. pic.twitter.com/nLwH5j9lCU
— D. Dean Johnson (@ddeanjohnson) December 2, 2020
Simple animation of a Triangle UFO similar in shape to @Debriefmedia article on UAPTF. This re-creation was from another case, and description of an eye witness who saw a huge craft fly over her and her daughter. pic.twitter.com/Q3OqCcGinF
— Dave Beaty (@dave_beaty) December 2, 2020
为英国国防部调查幽浮的专家波普(Nick Pope)说,这些揭露非比寻常,让大众得以一窥美国政府如何处理不明飞行物的问题。他并指出,这新资讯证实,美国政府空前认真地看待幽浮现象。