澳大利亚清洁能源峰会明日悉尼开幕 为期两天-澳大利亚清洁能源峰会明日悉尼开幕 为期两天
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澳大利亚清洁能源峰会明日悉尼开幕 为期两天

2019-06-30 来源:环宇视展责任编辑:Ms.HY浏览数:1700 国际会展网

核心提示:展会新闻-澳大利亚清洁能源峰会明日悉尼开幕 为期两天

虽然澳大利亚清洁能源峰会传统上一直专注于澳大利亚的清洁能源,但今年的峰会将举行一场新的会议,为可再生能源行业提供 全球视角。

澳大利亚可再生能源产业目前正经历着前所未有的增长期,这突显出去年大型可再生能源和屋顶太阳能的创纪录业绩。然而,可再生能源 的繁荣不仅限于澳大利亚,2017年的全球投资仍处于有史以来的第二高水平。



参与小组讨论的将是美国领先的太阳能跟踪系统制造商Array Technologies Inc.的首席运营官Bob Bellemare; Morten Dyrholm,世界最 大的风力涡轮机公司维斯塔斯集团高级全球副总裁;世界最大的工业集团之一GE的Onshore Wind总裁兼首席执行官Peter McCabe; Fereidoon Sioshansi,Menlo Energy Economics总裁,世界领先的能源咨询公司;澳大利亚普华永道(PwC Australia)基础设施领导咨询公司董事总经 理Sally Torgoman是澳大利亚领先的专业服务公司之一。

本次会议将为与会者提供有关全球可再生能源和能源储存趋势的精彩见解,因为专家组成员分享他们对可再生能源行业现状以及未来发展 方向的专业知识和看法。

2018年澳大利亚清洁能源峰会将于7月31日至8月1日在悉尼ICC举行。国际视角:可再生能源的全球趋势将在峰会的第一天举行。访问 cleanenergysummit.com.au,了解有关今年计划,发言人和赞助商的更多信息,并获得澳大利亚首屈一指的可再生能源活动门票。

While the Australian Clean Energy Summit has traditionally focused on clean energy in Australia, this year’s summit features a new session that will provide a global perspective on the renewable energy industry.

The Australian renewable energy industry is currently experiencing a period of unprecedented growth, highlighted by last year’s record-breaking results for both large-scale renewables and rooftop solar. However, the renewables boom is not just confined to Australia, with global investment in 2017 at its second-highest ever level.

In recognition of the continued expansion of renewable energy across the globe, this year’s Australian Clean Energy Summit features a session focusing on the international trends and outlooks for the renewable energy and energy storage industries.

CalledAn international perspective: global trends in renewable energy, the session will feature a panel discussion with senior leaders from some of the world’s most prominent renewable energy companies.

Participating in the panel discussion will be Bob Bellemare, Chief Operating Officer of Array Technologies Inc., the leading US-based manufacturer of solar tracking systems; Morten Dyrholm, Group Senior Global Vice President at Vestas, the world’s largest wind turbine company; Peter McCabe, President and CEO of Onshore Wind at GE, one of the world’s largest industrial conglomerates; Fereidoon Sioshansi, President of Menlo Energy Economics, a world-leading energy consultancy; and Sally Torgoman, Managing Director, Infrastructure Lead Advisory at PwC Australia, one of Australia’s leading professional services firms.

The session will provide attendees with a fascinating insight into the trends in renewable energy and energy storage around the world as the panel members share their expertise and views on the current state of the renewable energy industry and where it is heading in the future.

The 2018 Australian Clean Energy Summit is being held at ICC Sydney from 31 July – 1 August.An international perspective: global trends in renewable energywill take place on Day One of the summit. Visitcleanenergysummit.com.aufor more information about this year’s program, speakers and sponsors and to get your ticket to Australia’s premier renewable energy event.

  • (1) 澳大利亚清洁能源峰会明日悉尼开幕 为期两天


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