

   日期:2023-05-16     浏览:7734    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-04-17 至 2024-04-20
展出城市 伊斯坦布尔
展出地址 伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心(Istanbul Expo Center)
展馆名称 伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心
主办单位 欧洲博闻展览资讯有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)


土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际珠宝首饰展览会(ISTANBUL JEWELRY SHOW)是欧亚最大的珠宝、首饰、钟表及设备展,从1986年开始,一年两届,在伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心举行。参展商来自行业制造商、出口商、批发商、供应商、经销商、设计商,观众来自:制造商,供应商,零售商,出口商,进口商,珠宝设计师,批发商/零售商代理,部门/连锁店,礼品店,高端珠宝收藏家,宝石实验师/宝石鉴定师,电视家庭购物/邮购公司等。





展品范围(Show Products):






展会报告(Show Reports):

The largest ever-held Istanbul Jewelry Show hosted around 32.000 visitors from 149 countries!

Istanbul Jewelry Show held by Informa Markets on 16-19 March 2023 under the sponsorship of Elmas Kule brought together the representatives of the jewelry sector from five corners of the world in Istanbul Expo Center. The products and services of 1500 companies and brands from 10 countries were presented to the around 32.000 sector professionals in the show which marks the largest ever-held Istanbul Jewelry Show. The business networks held during the show mark raising the bar of Turkish jewelry exports this year and gained impetus to global exports of the sector. Compared to the show held in March 2022, the number of international visitors increased by 17% at Istanbul Jewelry Show of March 2023. 29% of the show visitors account for buyers coming from abroad.

One of the most important jewelry sector events in the global schedule held under the sponsorship of Elmas Kule, Istanbul Jewelry Show brought major firms and brands together with the jewelry sector professionals and assured new cooperation opportunities and a unique information sharing.

Compared to the show held in March 2022, the number of international visitors increased by 17% at Istanbul Jewelry Show of March 2023. In this context compared to the fair of March 2022, the number of visitors coming from Asian countries increased by 55%, those coming from Russia and CIS countries increased by 55% whereas those from European countries rose by 45%, those from Balkan countries rose by 34% those from South American countries rose by 24%, and those from North American countries including the United States of America rose by 23% at Istanbul Jewelry Show of March 2023.

“International Buyer Delegation Program” was held by Jewellery Exporters’ Association of Türkiye and Informa Markets with a view to raising exports, discovering new markets for exportation, and maintaining the existing market share of vendors. Over 1000 buyers from major firms and brands participated in the show as buyers within the scope of the program.

Events Adding a Different Dimension to the Jewelry Sector Were Held
Designer Club, the joint project of Jewellery Exporters’ Association of Türkiye and Istanbul Jewelry Show convened the master and young jewelry designers under the same banner. Designers attracted great attention by exhibiting their designs and the jewelry that manufacture at the spot specifically created in the exhibition space.

“Art for Jewellery – Inspiration Hub” events were held at the Istanbul Jewelry Show under the leadership of Jewellery Exporters’ Association of Türkiye. The panel on “Jewelry Sector in a Digitalized World” was discussed on the first day of the event held with the participation of world-renowned influencers; whereas on the second day, Seden Ünlü, Türkiye Sales Director of the globally known trend company WSGN announced the “Trends in Jewelry Sector.” On the third day of the event, artists and sectoral representatives convened at a panel titled “Interdisciplinary Transformations, Our Jewelry Future, Sustainability, Culture, Art and International Markets.”

Sustainability Is Highlighted at the Event

Several environmentally sensitive works were conducted at the show with the vision of sustainability. In line with the vision of sustainability, several green procedures were held at the fair such as reduction of printed materials, recycling of name tags and exhibition carpets, energy saving via the use of LED technology, online preparation of visitor’s surveys via tablets with a view to reducing paper use and transporting the participants and visitors to the exhibition area by mass transportation to minimize CO2 emissions.

Istanbul Jewelry Show Founding Partner Şermin Cengiz: “We feel the justified pride and happiness of bringing together the jewelry sector for the 53rd time.”

Cengiz said the following: “We proceed on our way with the growth of Istanbul Jewelry Show held ever since 1986. The largest ever held Istanbul Jewelry Show is now over. We can also call this event an exports fair. The business network held at this event have contributed positively both to the sector and to exports. We foresee that Istanbul Jewelry Show will continue to be a preferred event for the entire global jewelry sector primarily for Türkiye, and the number of both the participants and the visitors will keep on rising in the fair to be held in October.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际珠宝首饰展览会(ISTANBUL JEWELRY SHOW)是欧亚最大的珠宝、首饰、钟表及设备展,从1986年开始,一年两届,在伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心举行。参展商来自行业制造商、出口商、批发商、供应商、经销商、设计商,观众来自:制造商,供应商,零售商,出口商,进口商,珠宝设计师,批发商/零售商代理,部门/连锁店,礼品店,高端珠宝收藏家,宝石实验师/宝石鉴定师,电视家庭购物/邮购公司等。


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