

   日期:2023-05-16     浏览:3036    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-03-21 至 2024-03-25
展出城市 博洛尼亚
展出地址 意大利博洛尼亚国际展览中心
展馆名称 意大利博洛尼亚国际展览中心
主办单位 意大利博洛尼亚展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)


意大利博洛尼亚国际美容展览会( Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna)是意大利最大的美容用具、香水、化妆品展,也叫博洛尼亚国际香水与化妆品展,该展意大利美容协会与博洛尼亚展览公司共同主办,从1967年开始,一年一届,在博洛尼亚展览中心,同期还举办化妆品包装展。COSMOPROF展是世界上最大的品牌美容用品展,历史悠久、享有盛誉,以美容、美发、香水、化妆品及化妆用具为主的产品范围广,品种最全的美容美发展。COSMOPROF在美容美发行业已经成为全世界最受关注最为重要的展览贸易事件,现在对于SPA行业有特别的关注。

博洛尼亚美容展(COSMOPROF),以其参展公司之多,产品式样之齐全,在国际上享有盛名,更被吉尼斯世界大全列为最大最权威的全球性美容博览会。世界绝大部分著名美容品公司都在这里设立了大型展位,发布最新的产品和技术。除了大量产品和技术,COSMOPROF还直接影响和创造着世界潮流的走向。因此,意大利COSMOPROF BOLOGNA美容展是全球美容界最受瞩目的盛事,此展为美容界规模最大、效果最好、影响力最强的世纪级盛会。





展品范围(Show Products):






展会报告(Show Reports):

March 20, 2023 – The 54th edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, the leading B2B event for the cosmetics industry, came to the end today. Over 250,000 stakeholders attended the event, coming from 153 countries, who had the chance to discover the latest news for the sector. “Cosmoprof is once again the reference showcase for the industry in the world. The results of this edition well represent the state of health of the industry", underlines Gianpiero Calzolari, President of BolognaFiere. “The presence of key players from the main markets, of more than 2,984 exhibitors (+11% compared to 2022), from 64 countries and of 29 country pavilions is the result of the efforts to strengthen the international profile and prestige of the event, thanks to the collaboration with Cosmetica Italia – Personal Care Association and the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA – Italian Trade Agency. The institutional presences of these days, with the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the Italian Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini, the Italian Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanché, and with the local, national and international authorities, highlight the value of Cosmoprof both as business partner for operators, and as an economic pillar.”

“In these days, in the pavilions of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2023, companies, experts and operators in the sector have interpreted the different aspects and novelties of our industry, highlighting its great reactivity and dynamism in Italy and abroad. The total turnover of the cosmetics sector in Italy is fully returning to pre-pandemic levels (13.3 billion euros in 2022), exceeding the values of 2019 by 10.5% and estimates by further growth (+7.7% compared to 2022) for 2023, - commented Benedetto Lavino, President of Cosmetica Italia. – The significant representation of the political world and institutions is the evidence of the strong attention, also by the Government, to the value of cosmetics as an indispensable good for hygiene, prevention and protection and of the ever-increasing awareness of the power of the national cosmetic sector as a driver of Made in Italy in the world. The confirmation comes from the ferment on international markets, where the Italian offer is increasingly appreciated for its high standards of quality, safety and innovation, with growing interest from non-European destinations, and a trade balance that will reach record levels in 2022 exceeding 3.2 billion euros and a growth of over 500 million compared to 2021. Data and dynamics which, once again, alongside the historic partner BolognaFiere Cosmoprof have allowed us to consolidate the story of cosmetics: an industry that is good for the country".

“Cosmoprof has once again proved to be an event of excellence with an international reach and ITA has contributed to this success by bringing 152 buyers from 50 countries, - said Matteo Zoppas, President of ITA – Italian Trade Agency. - It was a synergistic team effort, aimed at affirming the image of Italy, home of the culture of beauty and theatre of an industrial system of absolute excellence. For us Cosmoprof is not a point of arrival but a starting point: throughout 2023 ITA will continue its initiatives to facilitate further commercial hubs for Italian exports in France, Spain, the United Kingdom and Morocco. In total, there will be 12 initiatives organized by ITA around the world. We are convinced that exports are vital for Italy. More exporting companies means more growth and development for the country. As ITA we are ready, alongside companies and at the service of the "Italian System" and of our nation's foreign economic and trade policy".

In addition to an exhibition area full of novelties and inspirations, the initiatives of Cosmoprof were very popular. The Cosmoprof & Cosmopack Awards once again decreed the best beauty products for the coming months, attracting the curiosity of insiders: over 1,000 attended the awards evening, and many were the visitors who carefully visited the installation at the Service Centre. The areas dedicated to CosmoTrends also aroused a lot of interest, with a vision of what the most current trends are, and to CosmoVision, the multi-sensory journey that revealed the future evolution of the beauty industry. The projects were created in collaboration with the international agency BEAUTYSTREAMS.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
意大利博洛尼亚国际美容展览会( Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna)是意大利最大的美容用具、香水、化妆品展,也叫博洛尼亚国际香水与化妆品展,该展意大利美容协会与博洛尼亚展览公司共同主办,从1967年开始,一年一届,在博洛尼亚展览中心,同期还举办化妆品包装展。COSMOPROF展是世界上最大的品牌美容用品展,历史悠久、享有盛誉,以美容、美发、香水、化妆品及化妆用具为主的产品范围广,品种最全的美容美发展。


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