美国迈阿密国际珠宝及首饰展览会(JCK Trade Show /JCK Miami)是全球最大的珠宝、首饰及配件贸易展览会之一,该展是珠宝行业不能错过的三大盛事之一,该展由REED集团主办,从1991年开始,一年两届,在美国迈阿密举行,也叫十月珠宝展或秋季珠宝展,从2021年开始3月举行一次,叫三月珠宝展或春季珠宝展。作为国际知名的珠宝专业展览,美国国际珠宝展览会JCK汇集了国际知名的珠宝品牌,并吸引着世界各地的专业买家光临,成为珠宝商拓展国际业务、树立品牌形象以及寻求国际合作的绝佳平台。
珠宝商国际展览会(Jewelers International Showcase -JIS)是在其服务行业的第四个十年中唯一的贸易珠宝“买卖”活动品牌。 每个JIS展会都经过专门安排,以满足来自拉丁美洲,加勒比海地区,美国以及其他地区的零售商的季节性购买需求。 JIS是最初的品牌,并继续是首要的活动品牌,可在各个价位即时交付成品珠宝产品。 迈阿密海滩和圣地亚哥,是世界上两个最受欢迎且交通便捷的目的地!
JCK Trade Show品牌展每年还会在纽约、拉斯维加斯、图森等举行珠宝展,与该展同期举行的还有珠宝设计展(LUXURY)、瑞士手表展(SWISS WATCH)、珠宝交易展(JIS EXCHANGE)三个子展,是JCK展的最佳配展,让参与者可如愿实现寻找货源、欣赏、再加购买。全球的珠宝行业不能错过的三大顶级展会分别是三大顶级展会分别是JCK拉斯维加斯(JCK Las Vegas)、维琴察、巴塞尔(baseL WORLD)。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
JIS Spring, held in Miami Beach, is the industry’s leading cash-and-carry event to meet the Spring and Summer demand. Restock and reconnect with the industry while preparing for Mother’s Day, wedding season, graduation and any other major milestones your customers will be asking about.
Exhibitors from popular domestic and international jewelry producing regions, including Hong Kong, Italy, South Africa and Turkey display their latest sample lines, present large inventories of finished merchandise, offer some of their best pricing specials of the year and build relationships with new and repeat customers. Buyers can choose to take immediate delivery of merchandise from the show or place orders for later shipment.
With at-show delivery, personalized exhibitor recommendations, matchmaking services and an impressive array of international and specialty pavilions, JIS Spring is the jewelry buying event of the season.
At RX’s JIS Spring Show, everyone belongs. We cultivate a culture of inclusion at all our events, where the very things that make each of us unique are celebrated. Our exhibitors, attendees, partners and event colleagues are people from a wide variety of backgrounds, who make our shows stronger and our collective experience richer. Now, be YOU.