

   日期:2023-05-07     浏览:10405    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-03-17 至 2025-03-21
展出城市 法兰克福
展出地址 法兰克福国际会展中心
展馆名称 法兰克福国际会展中心
主办单位 法兰克福国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
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德国法兰克福国际卫生洁具、供暖及空调博览会(ISH - 简称卫浴展)是卫浴室、建筑供暖、能源、空调技术、可再生能源等全球领先的展览会,由全球著名的法兰克福国际展览有限公司主办,每两年一届,是国际著名的ISH(供暖、空调及卫生洁具展览会)在欧洲区的分支展。德国是世界上经济最发达的国家之一,卫浴设施产品居于世界先进水平,技术先进,资本雄厚,并具有丰富的参与国际竞争的经验。展会上有来自世界各地的参展商及参观人士,参展商的产品得到了成功的展示。


ISH作为世界领先的浴室体验、建筑服务、能源、空调技术和可再生能源交易会, ISH是世界上最大的水和能源结合展览会。随着可持续卫生解决方案,创新的浴室设计和节能加热技术以及可再生能源与环保空调,冷却和通风技术的融合,世界领先的展会涵盖了横向和纵向面向未来的建筑解决方案的各个方面条款。


超过2,400家参展商,包括国内外所有市场领导者,在ISH向世界市场推出最新产品,技术和解决方案。五天内,安装贸易,零售业,工程师和建筑师事务所,住房和房地产公司,服务提供商,公共机构和大学的国际贸易参观者在法兰克福展览中心(25万平方米)举行会议。 ISH最大的游客群是卫生,暖气和空调安装业。




展品范围(Show Products):








展会报告(Show Reports):

Impressive comeback of ISH 2023

Tangible solutions for achieving climate protection goals in the building sector were the focus of the ISH in Frankfurt am Main. The sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technology industry is pointing the way to a more sustainable future: decarbonisation, the use of renewable energies and greater energy efficiency are the order of the day. The leading international trade fair celebrates an impressive comeback and exceeds expectations.

The ISH made an impressive return as a mega industry event. The international sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technology industry made the most of the five days of the fair from 13 to 17 March for intensive networking, to experience innovations and to advance business. 153,734 visitors from 154 countries were more than satisfied and, after a four-year break due to the pandemic, seized the opportunity to find out about the status quo and the future of the heating transition in the building sector and sustainable water supply. Wolfgang Marzin, Chairman of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt: "ISH more than fulfilled the expectations of our customers and came at just the right time to meet the challenges of our time such as climate protection and security of supply. The industry presented tangible solutions for the current political requirements, so that the installing trade, as the strongest visitor group, also benefited."

The high socio-political relevance of the ISH was underlined by the interest of leading political representatives. At the opening of the trade fair, the German Federal Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Construction Klara Geywitz pleaded for sensible transitional periods, social cushioning and openness to technology when implementing the heating transition. The Prime Minister of the Federal State of Hesse Boris Rhein and Hesse's Minister of Economics Tarek Al-Wazir also took the opportunity to discuss market-ready solutions with the exhibiting industry. Also Stephanie Wüst, Frankfurt City Councillor and Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Messe Frankfurt, did not miss the opportunity to visit the ISH.

Top issues of the industry in the focus of social discussion


2,025 exhibitors from 54 countries occupied the entire Frankfurt exhibition grounds and showed the latest developments for the heating market, air-conditioning and ventilation technology, intelligent home and building automation as well as modern and sustainable bathroom design and innovative installation technology. As an important component of the energy transition, heat pumps, wood as an energy source and alternative forms of storage were of particular importance. Further topics of interest were the shortage of skilled workers in the sanitary, heating and air-conditioning trade and demographic change, which calls for bathrooms that are suitable for the elderly and those in need of care. Innovative ventilation systems and touch-free fittings, which are gaining in importance in the wake of the pandemic, were on the agenda, as were new ideas for conserving materials and resources in the bathroom sector. In the extensive event programme of the fair, the most important trends were presented and discussed by experts.

Around 154,000 visitors, 44 percent of them from abroad, found their way to the exhibition halls. After Germany, the major visitor countries included the Netherlands, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium, China, Great Britain, Poland, Austria and Turkey. The high level of satisfaction shows that their trip was worthwhile. According to a Messe Frankfurt survey, 94 per cent saw their trade fair visit goals achieved and 96 per cent were satisfied with the range of exhibits. 52 percent of the visitors expect the economic situation in the industry to improve.

ISH 2023 is complemented by the Digital Extension, which is open until 30 April 2023. Here, among other content, recordings of the lectures from the supporting programme are available on-demand. The ISH Digital Extension recorded 106.932 contacts by the end of the fair.

The next ISH will take place from 17 - 21 March 2025.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
德国法兰克福国际卫生洁具、供暖及空调博览会(ISH - 简称卫浴展)是卫浴室、建筑供暖、能源、空调技术、可再生能源等全球领先的展览会,由全球著名的法兰克福国际展览有限公司主办,每两年一届,是国际著名的ISH(供暖、空调及卫生洁具展览会)在欧洲区的分支展。德国是世界上经济最发达的国家之一,卫浴设施产品居于世界先进水平,技术先进,资本雄厚,并具有丰富的参与国际竞争的经验。


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