美国国际水处理技术展览会(WQA Convention & Exposition)是美国举行的首屈一指的水处理技术教育、销售和交流活动会议及展览,也是全球最专业的水处理展览会之一。该展一年一届,由美国水质量协会主办,在美国各主要城市轮流举行。该展帮助经销商、制造商和顾问对水处理行业产生影响。
如果您是制造商、供应商或仅涉及与住宅、商业和/或工业水处理行业相关的产品或服务,您需要参加 WQA 大会和博览会。
展品范围(Show Products):
水及水处理:化学处理、化工用水的净化设备、水处理的化学技术、金探设备、中水工厂、物理水处理设备及技术、水循环设备及工厂、水塔、活性炭水处理设备及技术、饮用水处 理设备、水箱、uv系统、污水排放处理、污水净化系统、过滤设备、流体机械及废水排放等;
展会报告(Show Reports):
The WQA Convention & Exposition is the most comprehensive annual gathering of water treatment professionals. The event connects industry professionals with technologies, know-how, education, training, networking and business opportunities in one convenient location.
Since 2017, Undesser has served on the board of directors of HR Source, a not-for-profit association providing human resources, compensation, legal, training and employee benefits services to more than 1,200 companies and organizations. She also is a board member since 2020 for the Association Forum, which represents more than 44,000 association professionals from nearly 1,600 Chicago-area associations. Undesser holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a master’s degree in Biochemistry from Northern Illinois University.