

   日期:2023-04-23     浏览:10874    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-02-24 至 2024-03-03
展出城市 巴黎
展出地址 巴黎凡尔赛门展览中心(Paris Porte de Versailles)
展馆名称 巴黎凡尔赛门展览中心
主办单位 法国高美艾博展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)

视展-观全球会展、携同行合作为参展企业提供完善的会展服务,环宇视展国际会展商务网-简称视展网、国际会展网是永不落幕的全球交易展览会-18SZ.com Trade Fairs and Messe is Never ending global trade fair & exhibition online。

法国巴黎国际农业展览会(Paris International Agricultural Show)是法国最大最专业的农业博览会,该展长期关注农业发展,将各个部门,这些部门的利益相关者和公众聚集在一起的展览活动,举行一些农业相关的竞技活动。该展分四个项目:关于一般农业竞赛的活动;农业产品和葡萄酒竞赛活动;专业农业幼稚动物大赛;常规畜牧(动物)大赛。

视展-观全球会展、携同行合作为参展企业提供完善的会展服务,环宇视展国际会展商务网-简称视展网、国际会展网是永不落幕的全球交易展览会-18SZ.com Trade Fairs and Messe is Never ending global trade fair & exhibition online。





视展-观全球会展、携同行合作为参展企业提供完善的会展服务,环宇视展国际会展商务网-简称视展网、国际会展网是永不落幕的全球交易展览会-18SZ.com Trade Fairs and Messe is Never ending global trade fair & exhibition online。

奖品根据感官特征和品味颁发。 本地产品类别包括屠宰的家禽,家禽块,鹅肝,乳制品,橄榄油产品,坚果油,蜂蜜产品,埃斯佩莱特辣椒,香草,白兰地,强化葡萄酒,柚子和苹果白兰地,牡蛎,烟熏鳟鱼, 果汁,苹果和梨苹果酒,啤酒,朗姆酒和拳打,开胃酒,腌制肉,香肠果酱和藏红花。




候选动物使用一组标准来判断动物: 动物体特征, 肥胖, 肌肉组织 身体的特定部位 支架, 步态, 动物的一般外观。

视展-观全球会展、携同行合作为参展企业提供完善的会展服务,环宇视展国际会展商务网-简称视展网、国际会展网是永不落幕的全球交易展览会-18SZ.com Trade Fairs and Messe is Never ending global trade fair & exhibition online。


繁殖组织选择的动物要经过最严格的选择过程。 它们展示了法国繁殖的非凡生物多样性。

所有参加一般农业竞赛的育种者均来自农业,农业食品和林业部授权的集体计划,并受到其控制,从而确保了最佳遗传价值。 凭借其高品质的遗传质量和商业业绩保证,可以根据其形态以及与该品种传统特征的匹配程度来评判参加比赛的牲畜。 其形态的功能特征特别重要。

视展-观全球会展、携同行合作为参展企业提供完善的会展服务,环宇视展国际会展商务网-简称视展网、国际会展网是永不落幕的全球交易展览会-18SZ.com Trade Fairs and Messe is Never ending global trade fair & exhibition online。


农业,狩猎和钓鱼,养鱼的配件; 农业服务与职业; 酒类(葡萄酒); 动物饲料和护理; 面包,糕点,饼干,果酱,巧克力; 育种部门; 肉制品,腌肉,熟食; 奶酪和乳制品; 农村生活与农业相关的手工艺品和遗产(工业产品除外); 作物和植物部门; 环境与能源; 森林和木材; 水果和蔬菜; 园艺和菜园; 杂货产品; 畜牧业建筑物和设备; 跨行业农产品; 非酒精和酒精饮料(葡萄酒除外); 宠物动物; 餐厅和酒吧; 海洋和淡水捕鱼与养殖; 海鲜产品。


展会报告(Show Reports)

"The International Agricultural Show is doing well. This year more than ever, the popularity of the Show has aroused emotion and satisfaction for those who make it, those who experience it and those who visit it. Our unique Show has remained attractive to an ever-increasing number of officials, professionals and visitors because it showcases the best that our country has to offer, both in terms of animals and products. If we want to make progress in agriculture and consolidate our food sovereignty, there is nothing like having solid engines. The people who come to the fair to exhibit are the engines that drive the profession and the entire production and sector. This 59th edition is a case in point. The French came as they are and left the Show with a bit of what we are. And we are proud of it!" says Jean-Luc Poulain, farmer, President of Ceneca, President of the International Agricultural Show.

THANK YOU to the 615 204 visitors who came to meet those whose mission is to feed the country and show their attachment to our agriculture. This turnout proves once again that the Show remains the French people's favourite meeting place.

THANK YOU to the more than 40,000 French and international professionals and delegations for whom the Show is a business platform. In a climate of exchange, they made business contacts, signed agreements, attended conferences, etc.

THANK YOU to the 112 political and official delegations from all walks of life, even more than the previous edition, who came to meet the public and the French and international exhibitors to multiply the exchanges and discuss the current issues that make the Show a key venue.

THANK YOU to the 1,000 French and international exhibitorsand the 1,448 breeders who attended the show to meet the public in a popular, family and festive atmosphere, to take part in the competitions and to stand out from the crowd.

BRAVO to the 5,123 medal winners of the General Wine and Product Competition for the excellence of their production.

ConGRATULATIONS to the 19 personalities who have been awarded the SIA medal.

"The Show had a special flavour this year. Meetings between exhibitors and visitors were profitable, the atmosphere was conducive to fruitful exchanges and the French came in large numbers throughout the week. The Show has returned to its usual level of attendance, and we had a peak on Saturday 3 March, proof that the French are still passionate about their agriculture", said Valérie Le Roy, Director of the International Agricultural Show.

See you from 24 February to 3 March 2024 to celebrate the 60th edition of this unique show together


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
法国巴黎国际农业展览会(Paris International Agricultural Show)是法国最大最专业的农业博览会,该展长期关注农业发展,将各个部门,这些部门的利益相关者和公众聚集在一起的展览活动,举行一些农业相关的竞技活动。该展分四个项目:关于一般农业竞赛的活动;农业产品和葡萄酒竞赛活动;专业农业幼稚动物大赛;常规畜牧(动物)大赛。


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