法国里昂国际工业分包展览会(MIDEST / Global Industrie)是国际客户和分包商在采购和交易中使用的全球贸易展览平台,是制造商、零部件供应商和集成商面向金属和塑料加工、电子、微技术和工业服务的解决方案供应商等的交易展览会,该展从1971年开始,一年一届,在里昂/巴黎轮流举行。该展的观众范围:综合管理,技术,购买,研究和发展,质量管理等。MIDEST是工业转包唯一的国际贸易展览会,设计作为行业的网络主机,它允许启动、落实和制定参与定制的零件或组件的设计和制造行为者之间合作的所有机会。
展品范围(Show Products):
切割、加工、特殊机床;精加工,热处理,处理的金属表面处理;工业紧固件;锻造、铸造;半成品金属、 成品金属、加工;格式化金属加工、钣金;塑料加工、橡胶、复合材料;玻璃,木材,纺织品和其他材料或材料;电子和电力;微技术加工;工装 - 模具 - 模型 - 原型;工业设备及配件;工业服务;工业维护;技术纺织品;添加剂制造。
展会报告(Show Reports):
From the 7th to the 10th of March 2023, Global Industrie will once again be France’s biggest showcase for industrial innovation with ever more new developments, solutions and, above all, mobilization.
While in its previous editions the Global Industrie exhibition has been notable for presenting innovations in order to always highlight and optimize jobs in industry, our priority in 2023 will be to provide concrete answers to the contemporary challenges faced by industrial players.
This Lyon edition will be a genuine vehicle for the ever more ingenious efforts of manufacturers to combat the crisis which is gripping Europe, and will answer the huge question: how to deal with such a complex international situation whose repercussions directly affect French production chains?
Global Industrie 2023 will be the big event for concrete solutions, whether this involves innovations developed by companies, new ideas from abroad or assistance and support schemes offered by the state and local authorities; whether it is a matter of reshoring, job creation, the green transition, regions or attractiveness for young people: all of us are concerned.
At a time when everyone is facing growing problems every day, Global Industrie is committed to supporting manufacturers and will offer numerous avenues for industry to emerge stronger.