

   日期:2023-02-06     浏览:5499    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-01-12 至 2024-01-14
展出城市 慕尼黑
展出地址 慕尼黑新国际展览中心(Trade Fair Center Messe München)
展馆名称 慕尼黑新国际展览中心
主办单位 德国工艺品协会展览GHM有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)


慕尼黑国际光学眼镜展览会(OPTI Munich)是国际上最专业的光学眼镜展览会,是欧洲最大的眼镜展览会,一年一届在慕尼黑展览中心举行。每年年初在德国慕尼黑举行的“国际光学眼镜展(OPTI Munich)”是世界著名眼镜展之一,每届均有来自世界40多个国家和地区的600余家展商参展。作为欧洲市场最重要的眼镜行业大展,OPTI Munich每年都会吸引大批专业贸易观众和国际买家前来参观,展会1/3以上的参观观众来自德国以外。近年来,来自东欧国家的观众数量也有较大的增长。特别值得一提的是,与意大利的MIDO及巴黎眼镜展有所不同,OPTI Munich重点面向欧洲最富裕的地区——德语区,以及新兴的东欧市场。


OPTI初设展的理念使得OPTI Munich能够在每年的最早时段发布眼镜业年度流行趋势,展示国际眼镜行业最高端的技术、最超前的概念化设计以及最时尚的产品。


每年一月,光学行业的专家和创意人士在慕尼黑展览中心展示他们最新的产品。 作为光学和设计的国际贸易展会,opti代表从框架到镜片,隐形眼镜,低视力,商店配件,IT,营销和销售,仪器/工具/眼镜元素,配件以及配件的整个视觉光谱 技术设备和专业教育。


展品范围(Show Products):

光学设备、仪器及工具、显微镜、眼镜链、镜架/镜片、相关装饰物、眼镜零件及配件、眼镜盒及附件、儿童眼镜架、隐形眼镜及镜片、眼镜店设备、精密眼镜、望远镜、双目望远镜、清洁用品、镜片研磨设备、风镜、太阳镜/运动眼镜、太阳隐形眼镜、助听器、验光及眼科设备、视力矫正仪器、三脚架、工场设备、气压计、温度计、商店装配、EDP 等。


展会报告(Show Reports):

opti inspired as an industry highlight right at the start of the year and put the ophthalmic optics family in the mood for successful cooperation and order growth in 2023. With an increase in visitors of 19.2% compared to the previous year, opti is in an upbeat spirit together with the entire optics & design industry. This year, around 15,500 visitors from 67 countries gathered in Munich to take advantage of the diverse range of innovative formats for knowledge, sales, and exchange in a positive atmosphere. A total of 307 exhibitors from 28 countries exhibited at opti 2023. "opti is back and on course for success! Three inspiring trade show days with visitors and exhibitors from all over the world have come to an end. I would like to explicitly thank everyone who believed in opti with us and made the success possible! Seeing the industry united again in such a great atmosphere was my highlight," says Klaus Plaschka, Managing Director of GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH.


The new hall constellation created a special atmosphere. Thomas Truckenbrod's (President of the Central Association of Opticians and Optometrists) personal conclusion: "The trade show is alive. And how! For me, opti was a successful relaunch of an essential trade show for the optical industry in Munich. The compact number of halls, which I felt were well attended, contributed to a pleasant trade show feeling. Despite all the circumstances, the consistently positive mood gives us hope for a commercially successful year."

An impression that is confirmed throughout. Karsten Möhrer, Eyewear Sales Director at Eschenbach Optik: "The sales per person that our sales force was able to achieve at opti 2023 is very satisfactory. Thanks to our adapted stand concept, we managed to optimally absorb the visitor frequency in Munich. ESCHENBACH's participation at opti 2023 was thus a success!"

Exhibitors draw an overall positive balance on visitor and order volume. "opti 2023? Fantastic! Awesome! The trade fair was outstandingly successful for us. As Hecht Kontaktlinsen, we agreed from the start that we would like to be present again in January. Whether customers, industry partners, universities, or new market players – opti is the optimal and most important platform for us to maintain personal contacts. We are even more pleased that the response was so phenomenal!", sums up Mario Rehnert, Head of Marketing at Hecht Kontaktlinsen GmbH.


Impulse lectures followed by discussions in the SUSTAINABILITY HUB and MYOPIA HUB offered interested visitors the opportunity to learn about trends, research methods and technologies as well as to discuss individual questions and challenges within a group. Exhibitor tours, organized by epitop GmbH and other exhibitors, addressed various key topics in ophthalmic optics, for example "Smart imaging in ophthalmic screening". Thus, opti gave important impulses to the market. In particular, the opti TREND "Myopia Management" was seen by 78% of visitors as important for their everyday professional lives, and regarding the MYOPIA HUB, more than three-quarters of respondents gave opti top marks.

The social media sessions were also popular, with Sarah Schleicher, German optician and eyewear blogger (19,000 Instagram followers) and French optician Anne-Sophie Lapetite (100,000 Instagram fans) from AnSoStyle answering questions.

A trade show that makes customers want more: 83% of visitors are already looking forward to the next opti. For most opticians, the date in Munich is already fixed in their calendars. opti 2024 will take place in Munich from January 12 to 14, 2024.

地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
慕尼黑国际光学眼镜展览会(OPTI Munich)是国际上最专业的光学眼镜展览会,是欧洲最大的眼镜展览会,一年一届在慕尼黑展览中心举行。每年年初在德国慕尼黑举行的“国际光学眼镜展(OPTI Munich)”是世界著名眼镜展之一,每届均有来自世界40多个国家和地区的600余家展商参展。


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