英国伯明翰国际应急救援服务展览会(Emergency Services Show ESS)是英国唯一的国际性应急响应服务及设备贸易展,是所有参与突发事件预防、应对和恢复解决方案展。该展由Broden Media Ltd主办,一年一届,在伯明翰NEC展览中心举行。令人印象深刻的室内和室外展是采购所有应急响应所需的最新服务和设备,如洪水、道路交通事故和恐怖袭击或威胁公众安全等安全设施、设备及服务。参展企业包括搜索和救援、救出、通讯、IT、防护服、制服、车辆和车队、车辆设备、外包、培训、社区安全和水上救援等。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Over 10,000 blue light professionals were reunited at the show last September. Following its successful launch in 2021, Future Policing will return once again, and provide a dedicated area showcasing the latest technologies, equipment, and training for the policing sector. Combined with a high-level conference tackling the most challenging and critical topics facing the future of policing, it is the ideal opportunity for visitors to gain direct insight into the skills and capabilities to equip the police workforce.
Put your solutions in front of thousands of key decision-makers from the police, fire and rescue, ambulance, and search and rescue services. Hosting 500+ leading industry suppliers, The Emergency Services Show provides a powerful forum to meet with operational and procurement teams, framework providers and all personnel looking for technologies, equipment, and solutions to improve public safety and emergency response.
Future Policing is supported by a dedicated Advisory Council, chaired by Lord Bernard Hogan-Howe, who gather to offer industry insights, updates, and advice to ensure its success.