德国斯图加特国际教育和培训展览会(didacta Stuttgart)德国最大的、最专业的教育与培训产业展览会,该展创始于1951年,每年一届,在科隆、斯图加特、汉诺威轮流举行。Didacta有其悠久的历史和世界著名的展览规模,每年的展览面积超过7万平米,展商超过800家。参观者超过8万人次,其中98%是专业观众主要来自德国、中欧、南欧及北欧各国,其影响力之广范围之大,在欧洲屈指可数。Didacta是了解全球教育及教学用品发展的趋势和市场前景,寻找专业的合作伙伴,拓展国际市场的重要场所。
联邦教育部长教授博士Annette Schavan在开幕式上讲话说“在经济困难时期,教育系统的进一步发展,是未来的中心任务”。他还指出了教育渗透学校制度的政治重要性和德国的教育体制在欧洲范围内的参与要加大力度。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
As the world's largest trade fair for this sector, it provides a comprehensive insight into the entire education and training system, from early childhood education to vocational training and lifelong learning. A top-quality further training programme for teachers, educators, trainers and personnel developers complements the offer of this multi-faceted exhibition. High-ranking representatives from politics, business, science and society come to didacta in order to find ways for the education and training of the future and to exchange information and ideas.
860 exhibitors from 47 countries, 75,000 square metres of exhibition area and an extensive further training programme with over 1,500 events, workshops and presentations – that was didacta 2017. The world's biggest education trade fair is the top event for teachers, educators, trainers and personnel developers.
Over 1,500 presentations, workshops and podium discussions invited people in 2017 to undertake training, find out about new trends, exchange information and ideas and discuss educational viewpoints. Visitors from Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Nordnrhein-Westfalens came to Stuttgart to didacta.
The adjacent figures show the high quality and satisfaction of the trade fair visitors in Stuttgart 2017:
about 85.000 spectators visited the didacta 2017 in Stuttgart
76 % of all visitors are involved in the purchasing and procurement decisions.
99% would recommend didacta to others.
95 % of all visitors already plan to attend the next didacta in Stuttgart.