欧洲发电行业技术博览会(Enlit / PowerGen Europe / ELECTRIFY EUROPE)是欧洲最大的发电、输电和配电等电力工业展览会,也称欧洲电力展览会,与主办方举办的美国国际电力展览会(POWER-GEN International)一样属于大型的电力行业专业技术展览会。POWER-GEN EUROPE首届于1981年举行,此后在欧洲巡回每年举办一次,如今Enlit展已成为欧洲电力行业最大规模的展会。欧洲电力展与同期举行的可再生能源展、电力网展及核能展涵盖了传统的能源及可再生能源发电、输电和配电等电力工业的三大重要部分。通过在同一地点举办这种的互补的展会,参展企业获得独一无二的机会接触到能够推动其发展的客商,他们是需要此类产品和服务的拥有购买权的高级决策者。
Enlit, the new unifying brand for POWERGEN Europe and European Utility Week and the guiding light for the sector to bring clarity to the global energy transformation
POWER-GEN EUROPE展各几年就会在德国科隆举行,约有500家企业参展,展出面积超过35,000平方米,来自全球近百国家的1万多名该行业领域的专业观众。一般参展商参展结束就会预订下届的展位。76.9%的电力展参展商把参加此次展会作为拓展新业务的重要途径, 82.5%的参展商认为参展达到甚至超过了他们的预期目标,其中66%的电力展参展商对电力展作出极好的评价。
POWER-GEN EUROPE展轮流到荷兰阿姆斯特丹、意大利米兰等城市举行时,其参展规模及观众人数相当,参展效果也一样,举办方的展览宣传及质量都非常高。在展会上,将汇集电力行业的知名领袖企业到现场,展示最新电力行业技术。该电力展受到电力行业专家和电力高新技术会议的支持。来自世界各国的发电、输配电、及可再生能源的企业每年都把握这个特殊的机会奔赴欧洲参与此展出,展会同时吸引世界各地的专业采购商,包括众多电力行业的领导者和决策者,为参会者提供巨大的商机,为企业更加环保地生产和运作提供更多方案。
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Become an Exhibitor at Enlit Europe 2023 in Paris alongside 700+ key industry organisations as we connect buyers with sellers.Visitors:15000+.
Enlit.World is an online platform that tells the stories of the people, projects and technologies driving the energy transition.
Enlit Europe is part of a series of events unlike any other – where energy professionals from around the globe come together to collaborate and innovate to solve the most pressing issue in energy..
Enlit Europe’s Summit programme is developed in close collaboration with The Impact Circle, a group of dedicated energy specialists, intimately involved in the most critical issues of the energy transition. Representatives from utilities, vendors, IPPs, regulators, start-ups and other energy transition stakeholders take part in this group, bringing their thoughts and day-to-day experiences to the discussion during the live event.