

   日期:2022-11-25     浏览:392    状态:状态
展会日期 2023-11-14 至 2023-11-16
展出城市 纽伦堡
展出地址 纽伦堡国际展览中心
展馆名称 纽伦堡国际展览中心
主办单位 德国MESAGO展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)

纽伦堡国际机械自动化展览会SPS IPC Drives是工厂自动化、过程自动化、机器对机器的通信、控制和监测(人机界面)、遥控、遥测等行业展示产品及解决方案的国际性展览会,由德国美沙(Mesago)展览集团主办,一年一届,在纽伦堡国际展览中心举行。SPS IPC Drives(原来名称:SPS/IPC/DRIVES系统稳压电源、工控机、驱动器)主要参展商是电气及自动控制技术方面的厂商和制造商,展会所展示的产品和设备主要涉及:控制技术、工业加工控制、系统驱动和组成、人机界面驱动、工业通讯、工业软件、接口技术、机电一体化和外围设备、传感器技术等几个方面。展览的主题是:控制技术,工业处理控制机(工控机IPCs),驱动系统和组件,人机接口设备,工业通讯,工业软件,接口技术,机电元件及周边设备,传感器技术。SPS IPC Drives是欧洲电气自动化领域的主要展会。该展览由内容多样的展会、面向应用的会议、论坛以及小组讨论组成,是您全面获得信息的理想平台。


每届SPS IPC Drives展吸引几万名专业观众齐聚一堂,展现一个完美的电气自动化世界。SPS IPC Drives非常独特的特点之一在于展位上浓厚的互动氛围。专家们在展位上互相交谈-高质量的专业观众在这里找到适合其自动化需求的产品和解决方案。参展重点:计算机硬件、计算机软件、控制系统、齿轮和驱动器技术、图像加工系统、工业自动化、网络技术、安全系统、传感器技术。


展品范围(Show Products):

电气驱动系统及元件:电机(伺服电机、制动电机、线性电机等)链条及皮带驱动、驱动马达、定位驱动及控制器、变频器、减震器、编码器、电磁过滤 器、CAM控制器、磁性轴承等;



控制技术: PLC 系统及配件、微型电脑控制系统、I/O模块等;


展会报告(Show Reports):

SPS 2022: Successful relaunch of the leading exhibition for smart and digital automation

The SPS, which took place from 8 - 10 November 2022 in Nuremberg, once again impressed upon all participants the platform’s meaning for the entire automation industry. After the twice-enforced moratorium, the focus this year was not only on products and solutions, but also on human interaction. The digital platform ‘SPS on air’ perfectly complemented the on-site event.

Trade visitors from all over the world streamed through the entrances of NürnbergMesse promptly at 9:00 a.m. on the first day of the exhibition to find out about the latest automation developments and trends from the approx. 1,000 exhibitors on the 112,000 sqm exhibition area. Attendees embraced the opportunity to engage in lively discussions, to talk about technological advances, to cultivate relationships as well as to establish new contacts. Across the three days, the relaunched event attracted a total of almost 44,000 visitors. “The delight at the return of the event was clearly felt by all. Conversations were open and cordial and the atmosphere in the exhibition halls was very special. It was apparent just how much the SPS community had missed meeting up with one another and immersing themselves in the world of automation. We are delighted to have been able to re-engage with the industry with the return of the SPS. This exhibition provides a springboard for many automation projects of the future,” explains Martin Roschkowski, President of Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH.

This year’s program included presentations on topics with high relevance for the automation industry, such as sustainability in automation, safety and security, new logistic methods, and robotic integration. Alongside expert panel discussions and specialist presentations, visitors on-site also had the opportunity to join Bavarian Minister President Dr. Markus Söder at the digital talk on the Wednesday morning. Among the topics discussed were the future of digitalization and the importance of trade fairs for Germany as a business location. The talk was also broadcast live on the ‘SPS on air’ platform, giving people unable to attend the event in person an opportunity to watch online. The recording is still available on demand to registered participants.

As in previous years, the shared booth ‘Automation meets IT’ also made a return, and once again proved popular with attendees. 23 companies took advantage of the greater visibility offered by this opportunity to showcase their digital solutions for automation to a broad audience of industry professionals and to benefit from the dialog with experts. Intensive discussions were held on-site on topics such as high-security data communication, maintenance software, AI applications, and high-tech control solutions.

In the run-up to the live exhibition, the digital pre-heat event gave a first taste of this year’s exhibitor offerings and whetted the appetite for more. The concept of the SPS 2022 gave trade visitors the opportunity to obtain extensive information about exhibiting companies and their products in advance over the ‘SPS on air’ platform, to arrange on-site appointments, and to enter into online discussions before the in-person event. For the duration of the trade fair, the Technology Stage powered by VMDA/ZVEI in Hall 3 was streamed live. The platform will remain accessible until 15 November 2022.

A detailed exhibition analysis including further results from SPS 2022 will be available in early 2023. Next year’s exhibition for smart and digital automation will be held on 14-16 November 2023 in Nuremberg.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
纽伦堡国际机械自动化展览会SPS IPC Drives是工厂自动化、过程自动化、机器对机器的通信、控制和监测(人机界面)、遥控、遥测等行业展示产品及解决方案的国际性展览会,由德国美沙(Mesago)展览集团主办,一年一届,在纽伦堡国际展览中心举行。


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