

   日期:2022-11-08     浏览:1768    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-04-05 至 2025-04-09
展出城市 拉斯维加斯
展出地址 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心(Las Vegas Convention Center)
展馆名称 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心
主办单位 电气和电子工程师协会
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


美国拉斯维加斯国际广播电视展览会(NAB SHOW)是全北美唯一的广播电视技术及设备行业贸易展览及会议,是全球电子通信传播媒体界最负盛名的展览会之一,该展由美国广播电视协会NAB(National Association of Broadcasters)主办,每年一届,在拉斯维加斯会议展览中心举行。其主题是促进世界广播、电视、电影等电子通信传播媒体业的发展,并将在展会上展示与传播媒体相关的通信产品、技术和服务的未来趋势,包括电视广播产品、数字音频广播、网上广播技术、音频制作、视频编辑与特技、数字资源管理与存储、电影动画制作设备、卫星与无线通信产品、互联网的应用及技术等。


全美广播电视设备展NAB SHOW是目前规模最大、专业性最强、影响力最大的专业性展览会,受到各界人士极大赞誉,每年都吸引来自全世界160多个国家和地区的10万多专业人士,其中1600多家全球通信广播设备及技术的制造商和供应商将为与会者展示当今全球通信传播媒体业的最新产品。






展品范围(Show Products):

广播电台设备、电视发射装备、音响制品、移动电视和技术、数码管理设备、电视、 数码照相机、邮政产品数码信号设备、无线广播设施、游戏设备、卫星系统、HDTV、 IPTV、节目制作设备、数码录音录象设备、雷射音响设备、杜比环绕混音设置、灯光 灯具、多媒体电脑和软件、通讯设备、移动电话、数码电视及照相装备、节目软体、 电线电缆、卫星通讯、动画制作等。


展会报告(Show Reports):

Artificial Intelligence and the Creator Economy Take Center Stage at the 2024 NAB Show

NAB Show is hub for global visionaries and storytellers – uniting inspiration, tools and tech – for content creation, distribution and monetization

Las Vegas – The 2024 NAB Show exhibitors debuted and showcased thousands of new products and next generation and pioneering technologies from brands that include Adobe, ARRI, AWS, Blackmagic Design, Canon, Fujifilm, JVC Professional Video, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Sony and Verizon Business. Nearly 200 exhibitors displayed AI/Machine learning tools and tech, while more than 150 sessions featured AI. Meanwhile, there were hundreds of exhibitors in the create space, including a new show floor area dedicated to the creator economy, as well as nearly 100 sessions about the creator economy. In a sign of the broadcast, media and entertainment industry’s booming appeal, a staggering 54 percent of the more than 61,000 projected registered attendees experienced the event for the first time.

More than a quarter of attendees (27 percent, up 2 percent from last year) were international, representing 163 countries and included 34 delegation buying groups from all across the world. Ten first-time delegations attended from Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, Oceana and Central Asia. Additionally, NAB Show presented its first-ever all-Spanish language session, A Case Study of Caliente TV’s Studio Build and the Latin America Broadcast Market. The Show also hosted five international pavilions, with exhibitors from Germany, France, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Korea and Belgium.

The influx of fresh faces, brimming with new ideas and perspectives, underscores the expanding reach of the industry and the exciting opportunities it holds for the next generation of storytellers, content creators and innovators.

“We’re blown away to see over half of our attendees this year experiencing NAB Show for the first time,” said Karen Chupka, incoming executive vice president and managing director, NAB Global Connections and Events. “This, and the strong international attendance proves that NAB Show is where global storytellers come to find the tools and technologies needed to create, distribute and monetize content.”

The show floor buzzed with innovation as nearly 1,300 exhibitors from 41 countries showcased and unveiled groundbreaking products and technologies. From AI-powered production tools to immersive virtual reality experiences to the latest tech for broadcast and delivery and everything in between, the ever-evolving landscape of media creation and consumption was showcased by companies from early-stage startups to powerhouse brands. More than 200 first-time exhibitors engaged with attendees.

Beyond the cutting-edge tools and tech, the conference programs offered insightful discussions and presentations from industry veterans and rising stars. More than 1,050 thought leaders from across the content ecosystem spoke at more than 750 sessions that explored the future of storytelling, the rise of streaming platforms, generative AI and its impact on the industry and the evolving media landscape. Speakers included Frances Berwick, chairman, NBCUniversal entertainment, Terry Crews, America’s Got Talent host, Jennifer Hudson, EGOT winner, entertainment icon and host of The Jennifer Hudson Show and Phil Wiser, EVP, CTO and head of multiplatform operations at Paramount Global.

In response to the booming creator economy, NAB Show launched the Creator Lab, sponsored by Blackmagic Design, and expanded show programming to include more pioneering creators to share their insights with the next generation. These digital disrupters included Sean Evans, host and co-creator of Hot Ones, Mark Hustvedt, president of MrBeast YouTube, Casey Neistat, YouTube personality, filmmaker, digital creator and co-founder at Beme and Sean Sotaridona, creator of SeanDoesMagic.

International attendance figures are included in the overall registration number. All numbers are based on pre-show and onsite registration and subject to an ongoing audit. First-time attendees classified as not having attended since 2017, if ever.

Planning is already underway for NAB Show New York, October 9-10, 2024, and next year’s NAB Show, April 5-9, 2025 (Exhibits April 6-9), in Las Vegas.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
美国拉斯维加斯国际广播电视展览会(NAB SHOW)是全北美唯一的广播电视技术及设备行业贸易展览及会议,是全球电子通信传播媒体界最负盛名的展览会之一,该展由美国广播电视协会NAB(National Association of Broadcasters)主办,每年一届,在拉斯维加斯会议展览中心举行。其主题是促进世界广播、电视、电影等电子通信传播媒体业的发展,并将在展会上展示与传播媒体相关的通信产品、技术和服务的未来趋势,包括电视广播产品、数字音频广播、网上广播技术、音频制作、视频编辑与特技、数字资源管理与存储、电影动画制作设备、卫星与无线通信产品、互联网的应用及技术等。


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