美国拉斯维加斯国际家具展览会(Las Vegas Market )是美国西部在家具、家居装饰和礼品方面最大最全的市场交易展览会, 一年两届,分冬夏展,在拉斯维加斯会议中心举行。该展透过永久性的展示厅和临时性的展览为您提供无与伦比的各种产品选择。同时, 拉斯维加斯也被公认为全国床垫和寝具用品市场,它利用整个三座建筑和超过400万平方英尺的场地为您提供无限的采购商机。更何况拉斯维加斯拥有世界一流设施和服务以及物美价廉的住宿。如果您想要体验一下美国最多元化的市场,拉斯维加斯就是您最佳的去处。
来自超过 100多 个国家的与会者来到拉斯维加斯市场,代表了全世界所有地区,我们不仅要让来自全球各地的客人有宾至如归的感受,还要给日新月异的家具行业提供一个全新和长久的商业平台。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Las Vegas Market is open to members of the home furnishings, gift and design trades, including but not limited to retailers, buyers, interior designers, architects, specifiers, purchasing companies, etc. Proof of trade status is required to complete your Las Vegas Market registration. Accepted credentials include: copy of an industry-related business license; industry business card; or copies of past purchase orders/invoices from a current Las Vegas Market exhibitor. State- or government-issued photo identification is required. Registration requests will be pended until appropriate documentation is received.
There is no cost to attend Las Vegas Market for buyers and media. Buyers may bring up to two (2) guests at a rate of $50 per person. Non-Exhibiting Manufacturers, including Manufacturer Representatives, Independent Representatives, or Suppliers to the Las Vegas Market exhibitors who do not register under an exhibiting company roster may register for a fee of $50 per approved registration.