慕尼黑国际钟表、珠宝、银器及加工设备博览会(inhorgenta europe)是全球钟表、珠宝行业最大的博览会之一,从1974年开始首次举办,每年一届在慕尼黑举行。为了满足展商和参观观众日益增长的需求,inhorgenta europe在稳固提高展会的国际化程度方面取得了长足的进步。根据展品类别划分的钟表、首饰、珍珠、宝石及相关技术等专业展馆,将确保您的参展取得最佳效果。
经历了30多年的发展,inhorgenta europe业已成为珠宝、首饰业内信息发布、技术交流最重要的平台。每年的inhorgenta将提前向全世界发布世界钟表、珠宝首饰的发展潮流。博览会集古典传统与现代潮流于一体,展品范围广泛,使您在全方位了解国际发展潮流、领略设计大师们卓越创作的同时,也为公司新的发展找到正确的方向。创新性是博览会最重要的准则之一。您的参展将使您通过德国进而打通进入东、西欧市场的通道,同来自世界各地的观众和参展商建立广泛的联系。对于展出技术性产品的参展商来说,inhorgenta europe更是每年年初全世界最大、最重要的博览会。
随着来自84个国家的远远超过叁万名业内专业人士的参展。inhorgenta europe 慕尼黑国际钟表、珠宝首饰、银器及加工设备博览会实现了近15%的增长。大约有叁分之一的与会者来自海外,占约2.5%的升幅。除德国之外,参展人数最多的代表团的国家是奥地利,西班牙,意大利,瑞典,瑞士,希腊,荷兰,以及英国和爱尔兰。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
once postponed to spring, INHORGENTA MUNICH took place from April 8 to 11, 2022 and saw strong and international participation in a challenging time. The watch, jewelry and gemstone industry made intensive use of the platform to drive their business success. The highlight was the presentation of the INHORGENTA AWARD, which recognized exceptional watches, jewelry and a retail concept.
“After a compulsory break of two years due to the pandemic and the postponement to April, INHORGENTA MUNICH has convincingly reaffirmed its position as Europe's leading platform for the watch, jewelry and gemstone industry,” explains Klaus Dittrich, Chairman and CEO of Messe München. “732 exhibitors from 33 countries and 17,285 visitors from 79 countries are a clear vote. The share of international visitors has grown to 40 percent; among exhibitors this share is stable at 45 percent.”
After Germany, the top ten visitor countries were Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy, Czech Republic, Belgium, Great Britain and Ireland, Spain, Denmark, and Hungary. For the first time, visitors came, among others, from Brazil, Malta, and Vietnam.
The top ten exhibitor countries after Germany were Italy, India, Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, Turkey, and Greece. New exhibitors included jewelry brands such as Thomas Sabo, Fabergé, Frieden, and Giovanni Raspini, and in the watch sector the Belchen Group, LIU JO, Mondaine, and SEIKO. “The exhibitors confirmed that the groups of visitors were of a high quality, which was also reflected by the success of the Top Buyer program: 500 top customers previously identified by exhibitors were on site”, says Elena Jasper, Exhibition Director INHORGENTA.