德国柏林国际水上运动用品博览会(Boot und Fun Berlin)是德国最大的游艇贸易展、水上用品展、水上运动展览活动及会议,是欧洲最大的内陆水上运动区旅游、游艇专业化为重点的展览会,该展涉及:水上旅游,汽艇,帆船,经典组合船,二手船市场,电动沙龙船,船屋和浮桥,钓鱼用具,独木舟和皮划艇,户外用品,冲浪及板,跳水等系列产品。该展从2002年开始,一年一届,在柏林举行,展期为一周,展览活动精彩,已成为柏林爱好水上运动者秋季旅游活动的节日。该展同时成立了柏林游艇专业展,这将远远超越了欧洲最大的内陆地区的旅游业展览活动。
Boot und Fun展览专业性极强,以机动船在内水和海上的运动及欧洲最大的内陆水上运动区旅游游艇专业化为重点,在柏林剧院举行,作为在这一领域最受尊敬的事件之一。由于其特殊的模式和供应商多元化,每年这个展被视为对内陆水域航行的船只发动机和技术领先的贸易展览会。同时冲浪、独木舟、潜水、钓鱼将不断地扩大,对于船长达12米长的展品演示将是展会的亮点,该展会也是德国领先的事件之一。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Report):
Large crowds at the Berlin boating and leisure exhibition. Around 700 exhibitors and brands did good business and presented a wide range of themes surrounding water sports and leisure activities. Save the date: the next BOAT & FUN BERLIN will take place from 24 to 27 November 2022.
From 11 to 14 November 2021 on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds, BOAT & FUN BERLIN presented water sports enthusiasts and tourists with a wide range of products, ranging from sailing boats, electric boats, aluminium-hulled boats and premium motor yachts to canoes, kayaks, water sports equipment and accessories. As one of the largest boating exhibitions for inland and coastal water sports, over four days BOAT & FUN BERLIN displayed trends and innovations, including more boats making their debut than ever before, and in doing so celebrated a successful comeback following its break due to the pandemic in 2020. The supporting exhibitions ANGLER WORLD BERLIN, AUTO CAMPING CARAVAN, TRANSPORTERTAGE BERLIN and AUTOTAGE BERLIN augmented the displays of the Berlin boating and exhibition – visitors were able to gain inspiration and comprehensive information on a whole range of options for planning leisure time outdoors.