

   日期:2020-03-10     浏览:18604    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-03-27 至 2025-03-30
展出城市 莱比锡
展出地址 莱比锡国际展览中心
展馆名称 莱比锡国际展览中心
主办单位 莱比锡国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


莱比锡国际古籍图书展览会(Leipziger Buchmesse or Leipziger Antiquariatsmesse / Leipzig Book Fair )是最重要的会议地点为出版和媒体业的春天已经演变成为一个无论是在德国和整个欧洲的吸引力标志,该展莱比锡展览公司与abooks共同主办,从1995年开始举办,每年一届,在莱比锡国际展览中心举行。简而言之,莱比锡书展的目的是要鼓起来更多图书的宣传。每年三月举行的图书及古籍图书展览会,有来自出版社,作者,读者和记者等参加,莱比锡书展是一个理想的沟通平台,提供了新的出版物以及在德语和欧洲市场的当前和未来趋势的广泛信息。具有悠久的历史。可以说,近代国际书展的方式,都是起源于19世纪初叶的德国莱比锡书展的延续。


出版和媒体市场的细分,针对特定目标群体的令人兴奋的的专题。出版商可以面对面与专业人士及有兴趣的贸易观众交流。同时,莱比锡读者节(Leipzig Reads )是欧洲最大的文学节,并设有300个不同场地举行的2000多名事件。


展会回顾:来自全球43个国家2069家出版商参展,参观人数达168000人,其中专业观众50000人;在1995年莱比锡古籍书展与莱比锡图书展集成在一起展出(The Antiquarian Book Fair was integrated into Leipzig Book Fair as early as 1995),变成如今国际性的大型图书展览会。


展品范围(Show Products):



展会报告(Show Reports):

The Leipzig Book Award for European Understanding 2024 goes to the German-Israeli philosopher Omri Boehm for his book Radikaler Universalismus. Jenseits von Identität (Radical Universalism. Beyond Identity). The book was published by Propyläen Verlag in September 2022 in a translation from the American by Michael Adrian.

The jury’s verdict states: “The Leipzig Book Award for European Understanding 2024 goes to the Israeli-German philosopher Omri Boehm for the tenacity with which he defends the essence of humanist universalism, the obligation to recognise the equality of all people as well as to speak out against any relativisation. In his most recent book, Radical Universalism. Beyond Identity (2022), Boehm resolutely opposes ideological calcification encountered in the present day, adopting a literal understanding of Immanuel Kant’s definition of enlightenment as an ‘emergence from self-incurred immaturity’ and subjecting Western liberalism – particularly any perceptions of identities in absolute terms – to critical review.”

The jury continues: “Boehm proposes that ultimate truths are indispensable even in modern societies, as they make human equality and dignity inalienable. He is not shy to demand metaphysical justifications for universalism, which he finds by building bridges between Kant’s philosophy and the legacy of the Biblical prophets. In his striking interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, he discovers a figure of disobedience in Abraham, who sacrifices the ram instead of his son. By insisting on the notion of justice over God, Abraham becomes the archetype of ethical monotheism translated by Kant into the language of modern philosophy. Omri Boehm’s grounding of universal humanism is politically relevant. His books, including the 2021 volume Israel – eine Utopie (Israel – A Utopia), write in defence of, and challenge, liberal democracies and their claim to the binding nature of universalism.”

The jury of the Leipzig Book Award for European Understanding 2024 is composed of Dr Maike Albath (literary critic and author), Dr Skadi Jennicke (Mayor of Culture of the City of Leipzig), Michael Lemling (Managing Director of Buchhandlung Lehmkuhl), Dr Lothar Müller (literary critic and journalist) and Dr Daniela Strigl (literary critic and essayist).

Omri Boehm will receive the award in the Gewandhaus zu Leipzig during the opening of the Leipzig Book Fair on 20 March 2024. The French-Israeli sociologist Eva Illouz will hold the laudatory speech.

The Leipzig Book Award for European Understanding, conferred annually since 1994 and endowed with €20,000 euros, is one of the most prestigious literary awards in Germany. The Award Committee is made up of the Free State of Saxony, the City of Leipzig, the German Publishers and Booksellers Association and the Leipzig Trade Fair. The Federal Agency for Civic Education is a cooperation partner.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
莱比锡国际古籍图书展览会(Leipziger Buchmesse or Leipziger Antiquariatsmesse / Leipzig Book Fair )是最重要的会议地点为出版和媒体业的春天已经演变成为一个无论是在德国和整个欧洲的吸引力标志,该展莱比锡展览公司与abooks共同主办,从1995年开始举办,每年一届,在莱比锡国际展览中心举行。简而言之,莱比锡书展的目的是要鼓起来更多图书的宣传。每年三月举行的图书及古籍图书展览会,有来自出版社,作者,读者和记者等参加,莱比锡书展是一个理想的沟通平台,提供了新的出版物以及在德语和欧洲市场的当前和未来趋势的广泛信息。具有悠久的历史。可以说,近代国际书展的方式,都是起源于19世纪初叶的德国莱比锡书展的延续。视展-观全球会展、携同行合作为参展企业提供完善的会展服务,环宇视展国际会展商务网-简称视展网、国际会展网是永不落幕的全球交易展览会-18SZ.com Trade Fairs and Messe is Never ending global trade fair & exhibition online。


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