欧亚国际润滑油及技术展览会(Eurasian Lubricants Show)是欧亚及土耳其唯一的润滑油、工业用油、化学品、添加剂和技术贸易展览会,该展一年一届,在伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心举行。该展由CNG Expo和Chem Media共同主办,我们的使命是保持行业的脉搏,并作为买家、制造商和供应商之间的桥梁。
来自润滑油和工业油行业以及最终用户的参观者可以找到该行业所需的所有产品,包括成品润滑油、添加剂、工艺和生产设备、自动化系统、测试和分析服务以及最新技术。参观者包括:汽车 ,金属加工 ,重型设备 ,航空和运输 ,海运和港口 ,医疗 ,消费品和电器 ,餐饮 ,车辆车间、维护和检查 ,采矿和煤炭 ,石油、天然气和能源 ,林业和农业 ,包装 ,其他等。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
As CNG Expo and Chem Media, we set out with the mission of keeping the pulse of the industry and act as a bridge between buyers, manufacturers, and suppliers.
For over 20 years, we have successfully maintained this mission through the sectoral magazines we publish and the specific fairs we organize for the chemical industry and its sub-sectors. We organize all our fairs and publications in consultation with the companies in the industry, taking into account the requests and expectations of our customers.
At the Eurasian Lubricants Show, our aim is to bring together thousands of decision makers and the elements of the entire lubricant industry, to bring together Lubricant, Industrial Oil, Chemical and Equipment companies and all end users of the sector with buyers, and to ensure that the latest developments in the industry are presented to the participants first-hand with the conferences and workshops we will organize during the fair.
Visitors from both the lubricant and industrial oil industry and end-users can find all the products the industry needs, including finished lubricants, additives, process and production