法国巴黎国际环保设备、技术和服务展览会(Pollutec Paris)是欧洲最专业的环境能源保护技术、环境能源保护设备以及服务展览会,该展由励展集团主办,从1978年开始,一年一届,分别在巴黎与里昂轮流举行。经过几十年的发展,Pollutec展已经成为真正展示环境和能源所有设备、技术和服务的活动,它是市场创新的跳板,也是国际发展机会的交叉路口,将所有与业界有关的人连接起来。
Pollutec展涵盖的主题丰富程度以及参展商的质量以及提供的活动已经备受赞誉,这一最新展会的特点是前所未有的强调了所有生态工业部门的创新和强大的国际参与者的代表性,这是一项重大努力的结果 与展会合作伙伴合作。
虽然生态创新从一开始就是Pollutec的存在理由,但每届的重点是比以往任何时候都更加重视,目的是使其可以接受的数量最多。首先,这是通过推出Inno Spots实现的,这是专门在同一领域工作的创新组织的专用空间。这是一个非常成功的实验,与会者涌向每个这些景点。与PEXE - 法国清洁技术网络一起组织的创新展示会,是另一个重点突出的主题。
环境不会有边界,但某些解决方案比其他国家或世界上的那个地区更适合。 Pollutec充分意识到这一点,多年来一直在制定一项战略,允许最好的提供与所表达的各种需求相匹配。这就是说,这是因为它所取得的巨大成功。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Pollutec brings together the stakeholders of the ecological transition and boosts their connections: solution providers, leaders, start-ups, managers and decision-makers, project leaders, investors, elected representatives, etc.
Pollutec brings together professionals from all sectors for 2 days.
During 2 days, professionals will showcase their innovative solutions to tackle the pressing issues of biodiversity depletion, pollution, and climate change, energy management. With participation from communities and other economic actors, Pollutec fosters a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing and problem-solving.
Pollutec 80 000 m² of exhibition space, 51 000 professionals, +100 countries represented, 420 conferences.
Pollutec 2024, the leading international environmental show for industry, cities and regions, has just finished its 45th anniversary edition, which ran at Eurexpo Lyon from 26 to 27 November. With more than 51,000 professionals, 2,000 exhibitors (200 of them start-ups), and 17 regional and national pavilions, the show brought together the whole environmental and climate sector to shine a light on the solutions needed to tackle the challenges posed by the urgency of climate change.
The next show is Pollutec Paris - a new event complementing the Lyon edition - which will take place on Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 December 2026, in Hall 1 at Porte de Versailles in Paris.