FILTECH展目前有超过300家企业参展商,超过8000平方米的展地,在为期3天的会议,来自世界各地最新的F&S研究成功进行发布与展示。 FILTECH成功地扩大其范围和功能,包括:过滤与分离技术,粒子测量分析系统以及胶粘应用及特种化学品,复合材料,创新的过滤介质,切割,焊接及缝制设备和许多相关产业的最新创新。有接近60%的观众来自德国以外,前往威斯巴登,使得FILTECH成为一种跨文化的经验和独特的平台,为参展商带来新的业务。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
The FILTECH 2024 Show was the largest event ever with 591+ Exhibitors and will set a strong signal for further growth of the world-wide filtration and separation sector. At FILTECH 2024 61,4% of the participants came from outside of Germany. A substantial increase was registered in the number of trade visitors from Northern Africa (plus 7,8%), South America (plus 5,7%) and the Middle East (plus 4,6%).
The experts came from 80 nations and all continents. once again the FILTECH Show was an intercultural experience and a unique platform for exhibitors to generate new business. Companies reported a high number of contacts of decision makers, a marked willingness amongst trade visitors to invest, promising new business contacts from all over the world, specific contract negotiations and concrete business deals.
FILTECH is a global event and platform that focuses on the filtration industry and adjacent sectors. It is the largest and most significant event of its kind worldwide, showcasing the latest technological advancements and innovations in the field of filtration and separation. FILTECH brings together experts, researchers, and industry professionals from various sectors to address pressing issues such as air pollution, climate impact, health hazards, and optimizing efficiency in solid and liquid separation processes to solve targets in demanding industries. From technologies for air filtration to solutions for solid and liquid separation, FILTECH offers tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of industries across the board. It provides a platform to explore targeted solutions for all filtration challenges, driving progress and excellence in filtration and separation technologies.