中东迪拜国际设施管理展览会(FM EXPO / Future FM)是中东地区设施管理行业的重要活动,该展从2007年开始,一年一届,在迪拜世界贸易中心举行。来自不同设施管理学科的专业人士将聚集三天寻找新产品和服务,增强他们的专业知识和与同行建立联系。这个高度教育和信息丰富的免费活动提供了无限的机会与行业同行,专家,供应商联系,并了解竞争格局。此活动的性质有助于促进企业之间的会议,以帮助他们与访客取得联系,并展示他们的全方位服务和解决方案。
FM EXPO活动将举办各种教育和参与会议,讲座和研讨会,揭示主导趋势,促进思想交流,解决行业内的重大问题。该活动包括废物与回收峰会,CPD认证研讨会,互动研讨会和行业报告赠品;专为参加公司及其客户而设计,以加深他们对行业的了解。每年均有超过95%的与会者有意返回,FM EXPO绝对值得任何与该领域有关的人参加。
FM EXPO与The Hotel Show同时举办,为活动带来更多有影响力的人士。活动和研讨会都可以免费参加。
FM EXPO是您在短短几天内与众多积极买家进行有意义联系的唯一场所。 您将带走新的联系,新想法和实质性商业交易。
FM EXPO观展群体包括:业主,安全专业人员,资产经理,清洁经理,开发人员,EHS经理,工程师,行政管家,设施经理,运营主管,卫生官员。
展品范围(Show Products):
清洁产品和服务,能源管理,环境解决方案,工业清洁机,IT和软件解决方案,害虫控制产品和服务,安全产品和服务,废物管理产品和服务。- Cleaning Products & Services, Energy Management,Environmental Solutions,Industrial Cleaning Machines,IT & Software Solutions,Pest Control Products & Services, Security Products & Services, Waste Management Products & Services.
展会报告(Show Reports):
The facilities management (FM) industry is entering a new era with evolving user and occupant experience needs, along with business productivity and service integration. Technologies like robotics, wearables and IoT are transforming FM, making our facilities more connected, efficient and intelligent.
Future FM empowers leaders and professionals like you to reshape the industry through innovation, boosting efficiency, sustainability and resilience across the region.
The International Facility Management Association (IFMA), the largest global association for FM professionals, will host its inaugural Middle East summit alongside Future FM.
Founded in 1980, IFMA extensive reach and esteemed reputation connects over 24,000 professionals from 100+ countries.
Utilizing the power of the respective brands, Future FM and IFMA will stimulate innovation and promote global business relationships, driving economic progress.