德国不莱梅国际热塑性复合材料及技术展览会(ITHEC)是国际热塑性复合材料及技术专业展览会,从2012年开始举行,每两年一届在不莱梅国际展览中心举行。该展览会的重点是碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)生产的轻质热塑性结构,其应用领域包括汽车行业、航空航天工程、海上风能部门。 ITHEC主办方表示,轻质热塑性复合材料制造的潜力没有得到充分开发,特别是大规模的生产,ITHEC的目的就是要改善这一状况。 教授Axel S. Herrmann博士是ITHEC的发起者,他是不来梅大学的教授,重点研究纤维复合材料和特种纤维。
根据Herrmann博士估计,每年热塑性复合材料市场的增长大约为15%。航空航天工业是市场增长之一,CFRP大约占空中客车A380重量的22%,新型空中客车A350 XWB的50%,同时,热塑性碳纤维复合材料结构部件在飞机机身中发挥更大的角色。热塑性碳纤维复合材料管道在离岸深海石油和天然气生产的应用市场也在增长。在深海条件下,这些材料与铁相比,低重量和高抗疲劳性是至关重要的。电动车的车身也需要轻质复合材料,但适合于大批量生产的工艺正在研发中。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
ITHEC is the first and unique expert conference and exhibition focusing on structural lightweight constructions.
At the 7th International Conference, more than 300 participants from around the world will be presenting and discussing newest scientific results, meet leading international specialists, share their expertise and start business co-operations in the field of thermoplastic composite technologies.
In our International Exhibition about 40 market- and technology-leaders will showcase the appropriate materials, machines, solutions and technologies and therefore foster the connection of science and industry.
The new 2026 Hybrid Edition will be the best way to ensure high-quality content and effective networking in a new dimension and quality in a safe environment - on-site in Bremen, @home, in your office, and everywhere in the world. If you cannot be in Bremen in person, don't worry: you still can buy a ticket and have access to the conferencing platform, as all technical lectures will be recorded, and you will be able to contact every speaker, participant, sponsor and exhibitor for valueble contacts!