

   日期:2024-11-12     浏览:31    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-10-21 至 2025-10-23
展出城市 巴拿马城
展出地址 巴拿马会议中心(Panama Convention Centre)
展馆名称 巴拿马会议中心
主办单位 全球港口供应链展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
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美洲集装箱供应链展览会(TOC Americas)是国际港口、码头、航运线、第三方物流和托运方的全球会议场所,也称美洲港口业务研讨会暨展览会,是美洲举行的港口设施及业务专业研讨会议及展览会,该展从1976年开始举行,一年一届在巴拿马会议中心举行。该展会是全球港口、码头、船务、第三方物流及相关设备供应商等港口业务的专业交流平台。展会将着重展示港口和码头技术和业务,参展企业将展示最新的港口作业设备和技术解决方案。会议重点是集装箱供应链中的合作,探讨如何提高集装箱码头的运营绩效,从而更好地为客户服务。来自全球的几千多名专业人士将前来参展参会。

TOC Americas是面向市场的会议与展览,每年在全球主要的航运中心之一举行。

TOC Americas会议主导的活动是完整的美洲集装箱供应链展览,汇集了托运人,物流供应商,航运公司,3PL,港口当局,码头经营者和其他主要受众,以学习,辩论和建立联系。干散货运输专业人士还将有专门的会议场地。

该活动包括高级别的集装箱供应链会议和干散货会议,以及免费参加的港口技术展览会,其中包括码头运营会议流; TECH TOC会议。



该展览是港口和码头技术与运营的展示,以及针对码头运营商及其供应商的免费技术研讨会(包括TECH TOC和BULK)。技术和服务提供商齐聚一堂,向其客户,码头运营商和港口展示最先进的解决方案。


每个论坛中的共同点是The Port。该港口已牢固地确立为集装箱供应链中的关键环节。在码头或港口腹地发生的任何瓶颈或延误,都会严重影响货物到达目的地的时间。因此,港口需要使用市场上的最新技术及时且经济高效地处理货物。在TOC,我们将港口置于供应链的中心,这与我们40年的历史和传统保持一致。

TOC Americas自2001年在迈阿密开始运营。2021年第21版将在秘鲁利马举行。

展品范围(Show Products):

1 、标准集装箱制造、通用集装箱、专用集装箱、冷藏(保温)集装箱、特种货物集装箱、矿山破碎工程控制箱、铁路网架检修工程箱,海底海上勘测工程箱,空压机站工程箱、空运集装箱、空陆水联运集装箱、集装箱房、罐式集装箱、厢式车、冷藏车、方舱等;

2 、集装箱配件及辅件:冷藏箱专用发电机组、制冷机组、发电箱、电源插座箱、温控系统、保温隔热材料、罐箱法兰、阀门、角件、铰链板、紧固件、船用集装箱连接件、箱门锁具、门框密封条、密封胶、集装箱标贴、标牌、箱门合页;

3 、集装箱原材料:集装箱底板、地板、钢材、铝材、型材、木材、涂料;

4 、集装箱运输设备及服务:集装箱船、集装箱挂(拖)车、集装箱牵引车、集装箱吊具、起重装卸设备、集装箱液袋、充气袋、集装箱电子标签、箱管软件、集装箱防潮、防锈用品,租箱公司、集装箱中转、堆存、维修与保养、翻新改造等,集装箱生产制造设备、焊材、模具等;

5 、集装箱港口、码头,陆路、空运、海运、铁路运营商,多式联运和 CT 营运商。

展会报告(Show Reports):

Undoubtedly, TOC Americas is the most prominent meeting point for the maritime-port and logistics industry in the Americas. Its upcoming edition, to be held in Panama from October 1-3 at the Panama Convention Center, confirms this reputation by attracting prominent sponsors. Their trust ensures not only the high level of specialized conferences but also the extraordinary experience this event offers to delegates, exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors.Under the theme, "Rethink (Business Models), Reshape (Trade Routes) and Reduce (Emissions)," the contents of TOC Americas will feature three thematic days: October 1 - Business Intelligence; October 2 - Sustainability; and October 3 - Digitalization. These themes will be addressed through two conference programs: Container Supply Chain (CSC), covering economic, technical, and operational topics, and TECH TOC, offering more technical talks on technologies and solutions for ports, terminals, and the supply chain.

The content of both conferences will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry, with particular attention to the impact of international geopolitics on trade, the role of ports and the Panama Canal in the dynamics across value chains, the cold chain market, new technologies such as AI optimizing terminal operations, and how climate change is affecting maritime transport and logistics, as well as efforts to improve sustainability throughout the sector.

During the CSC, the Business Intelligence segment will include a market and trade summary to clarify industry developments, the evolution of maritime infrastructure and trade, and the challenges and opportunities for the cold chain in the Americas, among other topics. In terms of Sustainability, the path to net zero in the Americas will be analyzed, discussing whether the region is disconnected from the energy transition. Finally, it will be discussed how sustainability is a competitive advantage. Regarding Digitalization, the meaning of digital transformation will be examined, as well as the advantages and digital gaps.

Additionally, as is traditional, TECH TOC will conclude with an Intra-Americas Port Forum, where the discussion will revolve around how the port sector can increase the region's share in global trade.

High Interest in Participation

The strong interest generated by this new edition of TOC Americas is evidenced by the confirmation of participation as sponsors by prominent companies and entities such as DP World, in its capacity as Lead Global Port Partner. Also noteworthy is the presence of colon Container Terminal, Panama Ports Company, PSA Panama, and SSA Marine as Associate Sponsors.

Moreover, SSA Marine MIT and colon Container Terminal have joined TOC Americas as sponsors of the Port Tour; the Kingdom of the Netherlands as Sustainability Sponsor; Terminal Portuario de Manta (TPM) as Conference Sponsor; Jan de Nul as Session Sponsor; Grupo SCR as Badge Sponsor; TT Club as Global Safety Partner; Navis and ZPMC as global sponsors of TECH TOC, and, of course, MundoMarítimo as Latam Partner.

Due to the success of the 2023 edition, the organization of TOC Americas 2024 has expanded the exhibition area by 25%, where prominent international exhibiting companies such as Alimak Group, Auxema-stemmann, BTG Special Products, ESL Power Systems, HOVE Americas, Nanjing Port Machinery & Heavy-Industry Manufacture, Qingdao Haixi Heavy-duty Machinery, Svendborg Brakes, TFKable, UTV Cavi, Vornbaumen, Westwell, and Wuxi City Xinhua Lifting Equipment, among many others, will gather.

In this regard, Víctor Gallardo, Latin America Partner of TOC Americas and director of MundoMarítimo, highlighted that "we already have over 85% of the exhibition sold, but we still have some stands available and sponsorship opportunities. Additionally, we offer various corporate participation options for the conferences through agreements with our sponsors. Contact us if you have plans for group participation through your company or organization."

Activities for Delegates

Participants attending TOC Americas as delegates will have free access to the exhibition space and all conference sessions, as well as enjoy daily lunches and coffee breaks. But that’s not all; to complement the intense days of conferences and exhibitions, delegates will also have access to various networking activities in a relaxed environment. On Monday, September 30, the Port Tour will take place, including a tour of Panama’s port system and the Expanded Canal Locks. On the same day, the exclusive Welcome Reception will be held at Canal House. Additionally, at the request of TOC Americas participants, the Networking Party will return to La Fábrica on Tuesday, October 1, starting at 6 PM.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
美洲集装箱供应链展览会(TOC Americas)是国际港口、码头、航运线、第三方物流和托运方的全球会议场所,也称美洲港口业务研讨会暨展览会,是美洲举行的港口设施及业务专业研讨会议及展览会,该展从1976年开始举行,一年一届在巴拿马会议中心举行。该展会是全球港口、码头、船务、第三方物流及相关设备供应商等港口业务的专业交流平台。


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