英国伦敦国际直升机展览会(Vertical Flight Expo / Helitech International)是欧洲唯一的直升机贸易展会,100%的直升机或旋翼机贸易展,从2013年开始,一年一届,在伦敦EXCEL展馆举行。Helitech International是美国以外直升机市场的主要买家和制造商必须参加的活动。Helitech International拥有国际供应商和制造商,代表整个旋翼供应链,参展商展示他们最新的产品和创新,在展会上有很多的发现和尝试。
与伦敦国际直升机展同时举行的伦敦国际无人机贸易展(DroneX Tradeshow & Conference )只邀请有资格的与会者参加展会,这意味着只有那些具有决策权或至少具有购买影响力的人才能参加。 从城市空中交通到紧急服务,DroneX 为无人机行业的所有人员提供了一个学习和改进业务的基地。
Helitech International将数千名旋翼航空业界专业人士聚集在一起,为期3天的合作辩论和讨论,为您的公司提供竞争优势,向您所关心的人们展示您的产品和服务, 确保您在国际直升机技术的地位,3个高度活力的日子不可替代的面对面会议!
Helitech International观众范围:直升机操作员,私人业主,航空电子学,紧急服务 - HEMS / SAR /警察,物流/运输,维修维修,制造业,安全,测试/评估,培训/教育等。
无论您是第一次参展,还是想再次展出,我们都有一系列展台选择,以满足所有预算。 不要错过固定您想要的立场。 如果您有兴趣在展会上站立,请访问展台搭建页面,并提交展位查询表,或联系环宇视展公司。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
Helitech Expo welcomes over 300 hand-picked exhibitors from across the rotorcraft industry to showcase their products and services to a wider audience of 3,000 key buyers who are all looking to increase to unlock the solutions and transformations which are innovating the sector.
As an exhibitor, you will gain unprecedented exposure to each and every one of our pre-qualified visitors, all of whom are looking to find the latest products and solutions that are paving the way for VTOL professionals to enhance their Business' function through the latest innovative options. By placing yourself in front of these buyers you have the chance to pitch them firsthand with the ability to achieve a direct line to market all in one place.