俄罗斯国际水处理技术展览会(EcwaTech)是俄罗斯及东欧区域最大的水处理、水供应、处置技术和设备贸易展览会,该展创办于 1994 年,现一年一届,在莫斯科举行。EcwaTech是俄罗斯和邻国领先的水管理展会,也是在当地市场开展业务的最佳地点。俄罗斯对来自全球的技术、设备和专有技术贸易持开放态度,参加EcwaTech展是开拓俄罗斯市场的最佳途径,这个行业的投资是巨大的,市场规模达2千亿欧元。
ECWATECH将是俄罗斯最成功与规模最大的水处理行业盛会,也是东欧领先的水处理大型盛会,创办于 1994 年,自2020 年开始由两年一届改为每年在俄罗斯首都莫斯科举行,已经成功举办十四届,是获得全球展览业协会(UFI)认证的大型水处理盛会,是开拓俄罗斯水处理市场的最佳展会。此次展会号称欧洲暨荷兰水展后,第二大水展,也是独联体国家唯一的专业水展。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
EcwaTech is the leading water management show in Russia and neighbouring countries and the best point to start business at the local market.
Although the Russian water sector is going through restless time, The investments water management are massive in Russia and the needs are concentrated in restoration of water supply and sanitation systems, building the water infrastructure as well as resource and energy saving systems. The main area of interest is likely to be the market for water equipment and technology as Russia looks to enlarge the range of its water network while reducing the amount of wastage.
Here, manufacturers and distributors present solutions for water supply, sanitation, water treatment and offer the best conditions for municipal, agricultural and industrial enterprises.
EcwaTech runs at the same time and same venue with WasteTech - International exhibition for Waste Management, Environmental Technologies, Ecology and Renewable Energy.
WasteTech attracts specialists involved in municipal complex, engineering and technical support, quality control, production, environmental control, and its topics are organically related to the topics of EcwaTech.
Simultaneous holding of two events allows to obtain a synergy effect in attracting visitors from the municipal and industrial sectors.