

   日期:2024-10-19     浏览:12    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-09-04 至 2025-09-06
展出城市 奥兰多
展出地址 奥兰多橘郡展览中心(Orange County Convention Center)
展馆名称 奥兰多橘郡展览中心
主办单位 美国翡翠展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名

美国奥兰多国际水上运动用品展览会(SurfExpo)是美国最专业的冲浪及水上运动用品贸易展,该展从1976年开始,一年两届,在佛罗利达州奥兰多展览中心举行。奥兰多位于美国佛罗利达州的中部,是最受美国人欢迎的水上运动圣地,也是著名的观光旅游城市,而且这里的气候温度也是旅行、露营、水上活动、蜜月及家庭旅行的最佳去处,每年到奥兰多旅游的游客约两千多万。每年吸引众多的休闲旅游度假客人以及大量来自全球各地的专业买家,为展览会提供了充足的客源,是专业厂商参加会展的首选地。奥兰多冲浪运动用品展是由美国翡翠展览有限公司(Emerald Expositions)举办的专业户外运动、水上运动与冲浪运动用品展览会。





SurfExpo展是最有价值和优势的交易场所,对于过去的五年里该展一直是美国增长最快的行业之一。该业务为重点的市场从世界各地吸引买家,让参展企业获得:SurfExpo的总买家出席代表超过$ 20亿的购买力;包括采购商,参展商和媒体的平均上座率超过了27600人;买家前来SurfExpo是看到新产品,寻找新的供应商,了解最新的趋势和看到现有的供应商;买家代表来自全国各地,如美国、加拿大、欧洲和加勒比地区的9,500多家店面;展出的服装和杂货和一个完整的特别活动阵容,包括时装表演、年度颁奖典礼和水上演示,并超过2500个展位。


展品范围(Show Products):







展会报告(Show Reports):

The September 2024 edition of Surf Expo, held Sept. 5-7 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, was filled with plenty of optimistic buyers and exhibitors ready to look ahead to 2025 and beyond.

Roy Turner, senior vice president and show director of Surf Expo, says market conditions are favorable for the coastal retail industry with plenty of people still going to the beach despite overall economic concerns with expendable incomes and inflation. He also sees the excess inventory issues as a result of COVID and the sale of some major surf brands getting back to normal by summer 2025.

“There was an optimism I haven’t felt in a while,” Turner says of the September show. “There was a real positive feel, and people were back to doing what they should be doing at a trade show — looking for new products and buying.”

More than 650 exhibiting companies both returning and new to the show had new products to share, and attendance was up 7% year-over-year with a growing number of international attendants. “Our attendance reflected that growing optimism in the market,” Turner says.

He adds that cruise lines and the Caribbean were back in full swing, and brands from Hawaii, some of whom were affected by the wildfires from a year ago, were also back along with attendees from South and Central America. The buyers ranged in type and size from mom and pop to chains to big box stores.

Kim Hannon, owner of Ophiuroidea “the O”, a coastal boutique in Kent Narrows and St. Michaels, Maryland, has been attending Surf Expo’s January and September shows for the last 8 years.

This year did not disappoint. “I found some great new lines this year from new exhibiting vendors. I found a few new clothing lines, including one with Italian made clothing. I also ordered new items from a few current lines I carry. I always love finding fun and exciting new items for my customers.”

Jackie Gallagher, owner of coastal jewelry company Jackie Gallagher Designs has exhibited at Surf Expo for the last 11 years and says of the September show, “I accomplished what I set out for at Surf, we were able to meet with our existing retail partners and we connected with several new accounts. Overall I was very happy with Surf this year. My buyers were really interested in the new products that I have brought out this year, along with our most popular pieces, so I was excited to see them happy with my new pieces.”

Alan Clancy, national sales director for exhibiting company Ocean Jewelry noticed that traffic seemed a little off, which he attributed to it being an election year. But despite those circumstances he says, the company had a solid show.

“Surf is a great show to attract Caribbean based retailers and we enjoyed meeting old friends and indeed opening some new Caribbean accounts. The timing of this show is key to Ocean’s strategy and orders for our bestselling sterling silver collections continue to exceed our expectations.”

Surf Expo has always been an event to watch for emerging trends, and the September show was no different. Turner says there has been an uptick in what he describes as “new golf,” which are a departure from the “southern prep” style to wilder prints.

There has also been a surge in new surf brands as a result of the sale of some of the major surf brands about a year ago and they are starting to build traction.

“So I think it was an exciting time, whether you are a brand and you’re talking to retailers or you’ve taken a look around to get an idea of what’s happening in the marketplace,” he says.

As for the January 2025 show, slated for Orlando Jan. 8-10, Turner says he expects a large turnout and an upstart to the economy with a new president taking office. He also thinks it will be the first show in years where “we won’t have to talk about COVID anymore.”


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