英国伯明翰国际拼布工艺展览会(The Festival of Quilts)是英国最大的拼布工艺及技术展览会,也是欧洲最大的拼布盛事,由英国拼布协会(该协会成立于1979年)及UPPER STREET共同举办,一年一届,在伯明翰NEC展馆举行,主要展示协会会员作品,是英国每年一度的极为隆重的拼布节日,在英国乃至整个欧洲都非常有影响力,与展会同期举行的拼布大赛是欧洲最大的拼布赛事之一。在展会上也可以寻找大的绗缝用品供应商。
从2002年开始主办,当前NEC拼布展已经发展成为欧洲最大、最震撼人心的拼布盛事。每年的拼布展中,单是拼布大赛,就有近800幅拼布作品入围。如典型拼布作家Linda Bilsborrow创作的几幅以再现地形俯视图、城市鸟瞰图当代作品最具吸睛,其玩拼布有15年,虽然左大脑非常喜欢传统拼布,但是由大脑极其厌倦拼布世界里重复、重复再重复。因而,她觉得她自己是一个有着深厚传统拼布功力的现代拼布者。在入围的参赛者中,既有资深的拼布人,也有初学者、学校的学生等。通过专业的拼布人和纺织艺术家,以确保展会成为手工圈最特别、最激动人心和最具行业看点的完美展会。拼布大赛最高奖项为最佳展示,奖金5000英镑。那么这场号称在欧洲都影响颇为深远的展会究竟是否像其宣传的那样精彩,通过其展品大可窥一斑而知全豹。
展品范围(Show Products):
拼布用品,专业针及其它用品,绗缝机及配件;古董收藏拼布,美术大师拼布,拼布公会挑战赛,初学拼布,艺术拼布,当代拼布,传统拼布,现代拼布 - 新奖项,集体拼布,两人拼布,画报拼布,微型拼布,拼布创作,青年绗缝机及绣花,学校及青年人群拼布。
展会报告(Show Reports):
The Festival of Quilts was launched in 2003 in partnership with The Quilters’ Guild as a hub for people from all over the world to come together and share their passion for quilting.
20 years on and it is now the biggest quilting show in Europe with over 22,000 quilting fanatics expected to attend this year. It is also home to the largest open quilt competition in the world, has the largest programme of workshops and talks offered anywhere in Europe and hosts some of the leading quilt artists from around the globe, including Joe Cunningham, Stuart Hillard, L’Merchie Frazier and many more.
The Festival of Quilts is proudly organised by Immediate Live, the UK’s leading organiser of unmissable consumer events and experiences that connect and inspire audiences through live events.
Come along to everyone’s favourite Birmingham festival with an international reputation, and read on below to see what’s on at the Festival of Quilts.