日本国际智慧能源周展览会(Smart Energy Week)是世界级大规模的智慧可再生能源综合展,该展由RX Japan 株式会社和英国励展博览集团共同组织,每年在日本举行三次,分别为东京春季展、东京秋季展、大阪展,即在日本东京有明国际展览中心、日本千叶幕张国际展览中心、日本大阪INTEX国际展览中心举行。
日本国际智慧能源周(Smart Energy Week)内含7个世界级的能源展和技术专区。并与碳中和经营展,循环经济展同期同馆举办。是日本乃至整个亚洲地区规模最大、专业性最强,影响力最大的国际性可再生能源行业展览会。每年展会上汇聚能源行业最新技术和服务,吸引众多来自全球的参展商参展。
日本国际智慧能源周包括:日本国际氢能源燃料电池展(H2 & FC EXPO)、日本国际光伏展(PV EXPO)、日本国际电池展(BATTERY JAPAN)、日本国际智能电网展(INT'L SMART GRID EXPO)、日本国际风能展(WIND EXPO)、日本国际生物质能展(INT'L BIOMASS EXPO)、日本零排放火力发电展(ZERO-E THERMAL EXPO)、碳中和经营展(DECARBonISATION EXPO)、循环经济展(CIRCULAR EConOMY EXPO)。
展品范围(Show Products):
H2 & FC EXPO氢能源燃料电池展:电解质交换器、冲压研磨设备、精密加工工艺、氢气生产设备、氢气储存供给设备及技术、燃料电池相关组件及产品、各种热处理设备等;
PV EXPO太阳能光伏展:包括电池模块、组件、施工;太阳能设备、材料;测量、分析、加工、评估仪器及设备;太阳能发电产品及组件等;
BATTERY JAPAN电池展:电容器;各种二次电池;蓄电技术;直流交流转换器;电池制造设备;其他电池相关技术、设备等;
SMART GRID EXPO智能电网展:ICT解决方案;通信设备及技术;储能设备及技术;输配电设备及技术;社会基础设施;发电系统;环保房屋建筑材料; 其他智能电网相关技术和服务等;
WIND EXPO风能展:风力发电设备、风轮及风力发电机、海上风力发电与运转保养等;
BIOMASS EXPO生物质展:生物质燃料及制造设备、测量及分析设备、生物质热利用技术、生物质发电设备、废物处理设备、其他相关服务和技术等;
展会报告(Show Reports):
Renewable energies are expected to play a more significant role in achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Smart Energy Week gathers a full range of renewable energy technologies such as hydrogen and fuel cells, solar power, rechargeable batteries, smart grids, wind power, biomass, zero-emission thermal power generation, etc. Smart Energy Week is an exhibition where the latest technologies, information, and people gather to accelerate business in the energy industry.
Event Ambassadors are companies that support the purpose of the SMART ENERGY WEEK [Osaka] and GREEN TRANSFORMATION WEEK [Osaka] to "promote carbon neutrality from Osaka to the world" and collaborate with us. With the cooperation of the event ambassadors, we will contribute to the realisation of a carbon-neutral society and the economic development of western Japan region through the hosting of this exhibition. We look forward to your active participation.
The western region of Japan, including Osaka, benefits from lower latitudes and longer hours of sunlight compared to eastern Japan, creating conditions more conducive to solar power generation.
Consequently, there is a greater amount of electricity generated in western Japan than in eastern Japan.
The bay area of Osaka is home to many battery-related manufacturers and is known as "Battery Bay," and Kansai district (including Osaka pref.) accounts for about 40% of the national share in product shipments for the rechargeable battery manufacturing industry.
Additionally, there is a record of visits from battery manufacturers and automotive companies in the past, as follows.