波兰国际制药展览会(Pharmacy Expo)是波兰及中东欧最重要的制药行业贸易展,该展从2025年开始,一年一届,在华沙国际展览中心举行。Pharmacy Expo是一个行业盛会,旨在汇集来自波兰和整个中欧和东欧地区的制药行业领先公司、技术专家和从业人员。展会为建立业务关系、展示创新技术以及交流知识和经验提供了绝佳的机会。Pharmacy Expo是一个创新满足实际需求、最大限度发挥行业潜力的地方。
毫无疑问,制药行业是变化最快的行业之一。这不仅关乎创新药物和对患者日益个性化的援助,还关乎正在修订的法规。鉴于该行业的社会相关性以及药剂师的责任,主办方认为有必要创建一个平台来整合该行业。这是Pharmacy Expo,将于2025年5月27日至29日举行。
Pharmacy Expo观众范围:药剂师, 医院药剂师, 医生、医学专家、药理学家,制药实验室技术人员 ,制药公司代表(来自药品研发、生产、质量、采购、营销和销售部门) ,生物技术公司代表 ,药品批发商和分销商代表,科研院所和医科大学代表 ,包装行业代表,电子健康与远程医疗行业代表,负责药品政策的公共机构代表,监管机构和监管机构的代表。
Pharmacy Expo参展商范围:制药厂,药品制造商,膳食补充剂制造商,药用化妆品制造商,生产药品的药品原料供应商(活性物质、赋形剂、载体、添加剂、维生素、矿物质),诊断设备的制造商和供应商,药品质量安全监测系统供应商,制药实验室设备和配件的制造商和分销商,参与临床药物试验和统计数据分析的公司和组织,为药房管理提供IT解决方案的公司,药品分销商,研究中心和制药机构,行业和监管组织(制药协会、监管机构、监督药品质量和安全的组织),药品包装制造商,电子健康和远程医疗公司。
展品范围(Show Products):
制药原料,药物和药品,制药实验室设备,制药行业治疗性化妆品法药品包装技术和标签,制药过程自动化, 分析实验室和诊断,临床、医院、药房和处方药房,膳食补充品。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Pharmacy Expo is a industry event that aims to bring together leading companies, technical experts and practitioners from Poland and the entire Central and Eastern European region. The fair offers an excellent opportunity to establish business relationships, showcase innovative technologies and exchange knowledge and experience. Pharmacy Expo is a place where innovation meets practical demand, and the potential of the industry is exploited to the maximum.
Pharmacy Expo is an opportunity to meet the most important and experienced experts in the field. During the Pharmacy Industry Congress, they will share their knowledge about, among other things, forecasts for the sector and trends affecting it, innovations in drug manufacturing or the biotechnology revolution in pharmaceuticals. The event can therefore serve as a tool to develop individual competencies and expand industry knowledge.
In terms of networking, the event will be directed at facilitating preferential business contacts. Thus, visitors at the Pharmacy Expo will be able to take advantage of attractive offers and discounts not otherwise available. The exhibitors present (including manufacturers of drugs, diagnostic equipment or research centers) will have an individual approach to each potential contractor, guaranteeing favorable terms of cooperation.