

   日期:2024-07-21     浏览:1507    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-06-27 至 2025-06-29
展出城市 腓特烈港
展出地址 腓特烈港国际展览中心
展馆名称 腓特烈港国际展览中心
主办单位 腓特烈港国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
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腓特烈港欧洲国际业余无线电爱好者展览会(HAM RADIO)是欧洲最大的无线电技术及设备展览会,是国际上最大的无线电业余爱好者展览会,该展从1976年开始,一年一届,在腓德烈港举行。来自欧洲各地及世界其它各地的无线电业余爱好者参加,是无线电技术发展驱动器,展期三天,展览的无线电技术,电子产品,互联网络,计算机等相关技术产品。


HAM RADIO展每年有来自30多个国家的近200家企业参展,吸引来自全球近2万名无线电爱好者参加,展会涉及:地面无线电波传输技术及应用、水上无线电波传输技术及应用、空中无线电波传输技术及应用。展期举行各种技术与交流讲座,青年爱好者指导与培训。





无线电是近代发展起来的,无线电是指在自由空间传播的电磁波,其频率300GHz 以下。无线电技术是通过无线电波传播信号的技术。无线电技术的原理在于,导体中电流强弱的改变会产生无线电波。利用这一现象,通过调制可将信息加载于无线电波之上。当电波通过空间传播到达收信端,电波引起的电磁场变化又会在导体中产生电流。通过解调将信息从电流变化中提取出来,就达到了信息传递的目的。麦克斯韦于1861年至1865年之间在他递交给英国皇家学会的论文《电磁场的动力理论》中阐明了电磁波传播的理论基础。海因里希·鲁道夫·赫兹在1886年至1888年间首先通过试验验证了麦克斯韦尔的理论。他证明了无线电辐射具有波的所有特性,并发现电磁场方程可以用偏微分方程表达,通常称为波动方程。1906年圣诞前夜,雷吉纳德·菲森登(Reginald Fessenden)在美国麻萨诸塞州采用外差法实现了历史上首次无线电广播。菲森登广播了他自己用小提琴演奏“平安夜”和朗诵《圣经》片段。位于英格兰切尔姆斯福德的马可尼研究中心在1922年开播世界上第一个定期播出的无线电广播娱乐节目。无线电爱好者就是在这些方面发挥推动性的作用,正因为他们的作用,无线电的发展才会逐步推进。


展品范围(Show Products):



展会报告(Show Reports):

Friedrichshafen – A shared passion for amateur radio brings people together: More than 11,300 attendees from 58 different countries gathered from June 28 to 30 to engage in radio communication, acquire technical gear, and attend informative talks. In addition to the trade fair slogan of “60 years of Islands On The Air (IOTA): Where technology meets adventure!” the joint exchange and lecture program at the fair highlighted the new amateur radio regulations and the launch of the N license. “once again, Ham Radio has demonstrated its value as an indispensable and expert platform for the international industry. We provided a diverse exhibition and supporting program in collaboration with our collaborative partner, the German Amateur-Radio-Club (Deutscher-Amateur-Radio-Club, DARC), catering to radio amateurs of all levels of experience and technology enthusiasts, both young and old,” say Managing Director of Messe Friedrichshafen Klaus Wellmann and Project Manager Petra Rathgeber, expressing their delight.

For three days, more than 380 participants showcased the wide-ranging world of radio, with 150 commercial exhibitors and international associations as well as 230 flea market exhibitors. The joy of reuniting again with fellow hobbyists was clearly evident throughout the four exhibition halls and the Foyer West. Many radio enthusiasts chose to camp overnight in their motorhomes at the exhibition site, where more than 560 vehicles were parked on all days of the fair. Some 77 young technology enthusiasts delved into the realms of science and radio at Ham Camp. Discovering, tinkering, and crafting: The young participants engaged in a technical scavenger hunt, decoding Morse code, solving quiz questions, practicing soldering, and taking part in various other activities.

More than 110 lectures, exams, and workshops were attended by a diverse group of attendees, including IOTA enthusiasts, diploma program participants, educators, and tech fans. They found great value in the information and knowledge shared, as well as practical travel tips, with some even obtaining radio licenses during the event. Over 93 teachers participated in the training sessions during the fair on Friday, which emphasized knowledge transfer and methodologies in science instruction. The new amateur radio regulations and Class N entry-level license aim to increase interest and participation in amateur radio by attracting more people to the hobby. The new class provides a low-threshold introduction to the technical hobby for all interested parties. At this year’s Ham Radio event, the exams with the new catalog of questions were held for the first time anywhere in Germany. “Many people took the amateur radio exams, and the new N license was met with great interest,” reports Lutz Heuschke from the Amateur Radio Department of Germany’s Federal Network Agency.

The collaborative partner also provided a favorable evaluation of how Ham Radio 2024 was going. “As the inaugural Chair of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC), I always have a packed schedule, so the time at the fair always flies by. But all in all, the Ham Radio event was once again enjoyable, with a fantastic atmosphere in the exhibition halls,” says a delighted Christian Entsfellner, Chair of DARC. “As Federal Minister Dr. Volker Wissing emphasized in his video message during the opening of this year’s Ham Radio, amateur radio fosters and nurtures cross-border friendships. The international gatherings held at the fair, particularly with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), sparked numerous fruitful discussions. We were able to successfully coordinate various international matters, including the utilization of frequencies and operating modes, benefiting all parties involved,” said the Chairman with a sense of satisfaction. The trade fair’s slogan, special area, and themed supporting program were also very well received by attendees this year. “Our slogan for next year will focus on the 75th anniversary of DARC, reflecting on everything that has happened in our association’s history and looking ahead to future developments,” explains Christian Entsfellner.

Erik Swartz, Managing Director of Elecraft, emphasizes the significance for the industry of networking and collaboration within the Ham Radio community: “Since we operate solely online and ship to customers worldwide, participating in trade fairs is crucial for us. It provides customers with the opportunity to interact with our products and engage in direct conversations with us. I believe our success would be significantly diminished without trade shows such as Ham Radio.” He found the younger and highly engaged audience especially impressive: “Even though I thought that visitor numbers were the same as last year, we were actually much busier at our stand this year.” Thorsten Chmielus, Chief Executive Officer of Aaronia AG, also appreciates the trade fair crowd: “Participating in the Ham Radio exhibition is fun as it allows you to connect with a unique community.” Managing Director Frank Dathe of Funktechnik Dathe has considered the amateur radio trade fair in the south to be a must-attend event for the past seven years: “Our customer base has grown enormously, and this trade fair radiates throughout Germany. We will be happy to come again.”

The next Ham Radio will be held again in Friedrichshafen, Germany, from Friday, June 27, to Sunday, June 29, 2025.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
腓特烈港欧洲国际业余无线电爱好者展览会(HAM RADIO)是欧洲最大的无线电技术及设备展览会,是国际上最大的无线电业余爱好者展览会,该展从1976年开始,一年一届,在腓德烈港举行。来自欧洲各地及世界其它各地的无线电业余爱好者参加,是无线电技术发展驱动器,展期三天,展览的无线电技术,电子产品,互联网络,计算机等相关技术产品。


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