

   日期:2024-07-05     浏览:54    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-05-28 至 2025-05-31
展出城市 伊斯坦布尔
展出地址 伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心(Istanbul Expo Center)
展馆名称 伊斯坦布尔国际展览中心
主办单位 汉诺威国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际工业展览会(WIN EURASIA)是欧亚地区领先的机械和工厂工程现代制造技术供应商交易会。一年一届,在。博览会的重点是制造业的自动化/数字化、材料处理/物流解决方案、驱动技术/液压、制造业的能源系统、表面技术、焊接技术,以及机床、金属加工和成型技术。该展由德国汉诺威展览公司与汉诺威展览(土耳其)有限公司合作主办的久负盛誉的综合性国际工业展览会。


WIN EURASIA一直是欧亚地区领先的机械和工厂工程现代制造技术供应商交易会。该展会原分为两期举办,2023年将再度合并,工业自动化,国际流体动力技术,能源、电气和电子,物料处理、供应链管理、内部物流主题,金属加工,焊接与切割技术,表面处理技术等七大主题共享同一平台,这将成为“一带一路”沿线工业发展的一次集结。


WIN EURASIA展会继续加强工业4.0的宣传,将“智能化”与“智能工厂”充分融合,通过智能机器人、3D打印机和其它控制机械来进一步展示未来工业发展的趋势。参展商也将有机会在一个地点邂逅更多专业观众以及潜力市场,为参展企业节省更多的时间。可以肯定的是,该展会已成为欧亚大陆顶级的工业产品与技术展示平台。


土耳其横跨欧亚大陆,人口约 8000万。伊斯坦布尔是土耳其第一大城市,也是土耳其经济、金融文化中心,人口约1600万,该市贸易额占到土耳其的55%,大量的工厂企业聚集于此。由于优越的地理位置,土耳其在对外贸易上有着巨大的优势,土耳其虽然不是欧盟成员国家,但是对欧盟国家进出口贸易却享有一定的优惠政策。因此对很多国家,包括中国都可以将其作为进入欧洲的一个跳板。


展品范围(Show Products):









展会报告(Show Reports):

WIN EURASIA, the biggest meeting of the manufacturing industry in the region, created opportunities to new millions of dollars business partnerships. With the motto "Industries meet diversity," the region's largest industrial fair, WIN EURASIA, held its 30th edition this year. 41,554 buyers visited the fair, which included 750 exhibiting companies from 19 countries.   The fair, organized by Hannover Fairs Turkey, hosted the most powerful procurement and purchasing professionals from all over the world. A substantial trade and technology network has been created at WIN EURASIA, the regional representative of HANNOVER MESSE which is the world's most important industrial trade fair.

As the region's largest international trade fair in its sector, WIN EURASIA was held at Istanbul Expo Center from June 5-8, 2024, marking its 30th edition as the meeting point for the manufacturing industry. For decades, WIN EURASIA has been the leading industrial fair in the Eurasia Region, showcasing all components of the manufacturing industry. WIN EURASIA serves as a robust platform, enabling manufacturing industry and technology suppliers to fulfill all their requirements and explore the latest generation of future technologies firsthand.

The factory of the future presented at WIN EURASIA

In the 5G Arena visitors had the opportunity to witness a demo factory, a pioneering initiative in Türkiye, where 30 distinct 5G usage scenarios seamlessly operated in an integrated manner for the first time. This remarkable showcase was made possible through the collaboration of 40 brands in partnership with Türk Telekom and Nokia, the trade fair's technology solution partner.

Led the industrial transformation with the 'Hydrogen Special Area'

Technologies related to the production, storage, transportation and use of hydrogen energy for sectors where hydrogen energy is used intensively, such as heavy industry, has been showcased in the Hydrogen Special Area.The trade fair led the industrial transformation this year with the Hydrogen Special Area, which has recently begun to be discussed frequently in the world. Hydrogen energy, which is more sustainable and cleaner, is on the agenda of the industry in Türkiye, as well as in the Europe.

New generation technologies and developments took their place at WIN EURASIA

At the trade fair, spanning across 55 thousand square meters, companies specializing in Industrial Automation, Factory Automation Systems, Industrial Manufacturing Machinery, Energy, Electricity, Electronic Technologies, Welding and Robotic Welding Technologies, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Internal Logistics Solutions showcased their latest products.

WIN EURASIA special areas showcased trend industrial topics such as the 5G, metaverse, Hydrogen, Digital Factories, and Comvac Compressor & Vacuum Technologies and provided visitors with a glimpse into the future of the industry.

Leading the manufacturing industry in innovations and technology, WIN EURASIA brought forward new developments and current topics shaping the future of the industry in its internationally renowned conferences and seminars.

Throughout WIN EURASIA, around 40 panels hosted 125 panelists who contributed to the conference programs. These expert speakers illuminated various aspects of the industry, exploring innovations and comprehensive solutions. Networking was a continuous activity, permeating all areas and every phase of the trade fair.

Thousands of business connections were established

Within the scope of the fair, with the support of MAKFED and MAIB and the global network of Hannover Fairs Turkey, 200 qualified buyers from 18 countries, including Albania, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kongo, Kosovo, Egypt, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia, held B2B meetings with the exhibitors. While the number of bilateral meetings reached 600 this year, thousands of business connections were established thanks to the matchmaking program.

The next edition of WIN EURASIA will take place on 28-31 May 2025


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
土耳其伊斯坦布尔国际工业展览会(WIN EURASIA)是欧亚地区领先的机械和工厂工程现代制造技术供应商交易会。一年一届,在。博览会的重点是制造业的自动化/数字化、材料处理/物流解决方案、驱动技术/液压、制造业的能源系统、表面技术、焊接技术,以及机床、金属加工和成型技术。该展由德国汉诺威展览公司与汉诺威展览(土耳其)有限公司合作主办的久负盛誉的综合性国际工业展览会。


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