

   日期:2024-06-12     浏览:74    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-04-15 至 2025-04-16
展出城市 博洛尼亚
展出地址 意大利博洛尼亚国际展览中心
展馆名称 意大利博洛尼亚国际展览中心
主办单位 A151 S.r.l.
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
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欧洲电动汽车及电池技术展览会(E-TECH EUROPE / E-AUTO SHOW)是欧洲汽车电气化行业展,是电动汽车和电动汽车先进电池及技术展览和会议,从2022年开始,一年一届,在意大利博洛尼亚国际展览中心举行。 在 E-TECH EUROPE 上,作为先进电池和汽车行业电气化的国际贸易展,将整个机电、电子和零排放电动汽车供应链的主要行业参与者聚集在一起。


2025年同期举行的还有:低碳技术展(CARBON TECH )、汽车内饰展(INTERIORS)、电池回收技术展(RE-BATTERY)、特种工程机械及电子车辆技术展(INVEX)、国际汽车电力电子展(FORTRONIC)、国际汽车回收工业展(AUTO RECYCLERS)。


数百家厂商将在这里展示他们最好的技术、产品和服务。2023年在博洛尼亚国际展览中心举行,作为艾米利亚-罗马涅大区的首府,博洛尼亚也是意大利著名的“汽车谷”的中心,这里曾有法拉利、兰博基尼、玛莎拉蒂、杜卡迪、达拉拉、布加迪、德托马索、帕加尼和 Energica 等传奇品牌。所有人都出生在距离博洛尼亚仅几公里的“Via Emilia”沿线的这个地区。


电动汽车展(E-AUTO SHOW)是欧洲新的领先、有影响力的年度汽车盛会之一——致力于行业专业人士——展示新兴电动汽车产品和技术。 E-AUTO SHOW 汇集了工程师、设计师、商业领袖、顶级行业公司和创新思想家,以发现突破性产品并为未来创造强大的解决方案。

18SZ图片处理E-AUTO SHOW 与 E-TECH EUROPE 一起在意大利博洛尼亚举行,该展会是电动汽车制造业的领先贸易展览会,面积超过 12,000 平方米。


展品范围(Show Products):

电动技术与电池及技术:电池和超级电容器,电动机和系统,线圈绕组、变压器和发电机,电气技术、零部件,机电,充电基础设施、墙盒、充电站、V2G 和无线解决方案,电子和电力电子,Adas、自动驾驶、软件、人工智能和连接,网络安全,先进的轻质材料,金属和矿物,设计与工程。

电动汽车:电动概念车, 电动汽车, 电动微型车, 太阳能汽车, 电动超级跑车, 电动赛车, 微移动系统, 电动恢复模块 / 老爷车。

汽车回收: 收集, 排出, 分解/拆卸, 打扫, 加热, 分离, 筛选, 测试, 切碎, 制粒, 热解, 湿法冶金, 次要原材料, 重新使用, 减少。

特种工程车辆技术:高空作业平台, 农业机械, AGV自动导引车, 混凝土搅拌拖拉机, 施工机械, 挖掘机, 林业机械, 叉车, 物料搬运机, 采矿机, 托盘卡车, 清扫机, 电传操纵员, 牵引拖拉机, 拖拉机, 废物收集车。


展会报告(Show Reports):

The third edition of E-TECH EUROPE, the international trade show, dedicated to technologies for production of electric vehicles, the battery industry and charging technologies, has ended with an outstandingly positive result. Under the banner of sustainability, this showcase of innovation brought together the entire automotive supply chain in a single event. The numbers speak for themselves: over the two days of the event, 7 and 8 May, BolognaFiere hosted 4000 attendees, who were welcomed by 325 national and international exhibitors. The test drive area with various electric cars and motorbikes was an enormous draw card, as were the range of over 40 conferences, workshops, seminars and top-level training events held in collaboration with over 150 speakers from the academic world, research centres, industry and sector associations. These included the SMART GLASS FORUM, on the latest automotive glass technologies, and two conferences organized by METEF on the aluminum supply chain for the electric vehicle industry.

E-TECH EUROPE 2024 with five thematic halls across three pavilions, covering an area of 23,000 m2, played a large role in the event, offering a 360-degree journey into the future of mobility. It was held in conjunction with the second edition of E-CHARGE, which displayed the latest technologies and services for recharging electric vehicles, and alongside the RE-BATTERY sub-events (collection, sorting, recycling and treatment of batteries for electric vehicles), and INTERIORS (an event focused on solutions for interior fittings in the automotive and transport sectors).

FORTRonIC "village", dedicated to power electronics applied to electric mobility technologies, organised by Tecno with the support of Assodel, for the first time combined with ROBOTICA, an event co-organised with AIdAM (Association Italian Academy of Mechatronics Automation). Visitors discovered the latest innovations in the field of mechatronics and robotics applied to the world of motor vehicle production and particularly to EVs. And of course, ample space was also given to the new frontier of AI.

The exhibition "Back to the Future: Two Centuries of Electric'' offered a journey through the history of battery-powered cars from the early nineteenth century. This journey was created through 31 descriptive panels, and an exceptional exhibition of rare cars, including the Emilia 4, a solar-powered car designed by onda Solare, as well as two examples kindly loaned for the occasion by Mauto, the Museum national Automobile of Turin: a C-60 V - Pope from 1909 and a futuristic LEM from 1974 designed by Giovanni Michelotti.

Organisers are already looking forward to next year's event at BolognaFiere, on 15 and 16 April 2025. The fourth edition of E-TECH EUROPE will include RE-BATTERY and INTERIORS, and for the first time will also host CARBON TECH 2025, the new Italian trade fair dedicated to carbon and its allotropes industry, applications and market: composite materials, carbon fibers, graphite, graphene etc.

Thanks go to all the participants of E-TECH EUROPE 2024, to the exhibitors, the speakers of the dozens of conference sessions and training meetings, and to the professionals in the sector who have demonstrated how the electric mobility sector in Italy and Europe has enormous growth potential. We also thank the partners and associations who sponsored the event for their valued support.

E-TECH EUROPE 2024 is an event organized by A151 srl with the support of Carlo Gavazzi Italia, in collaboration with BolognaFiere. The event is sponsored by ANFIA, UNRAE, MOTUS-E, ConFIMI INDUSTRIA, APINDUSTRIA ConFIMI VICENZA, ASSODEL, ANIASA, ADACI, AEPI Confederation, KYOTO CLUB, FAST, EUROMOBILITY and FEPECS.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
欧洲电动汽车及电池技术展览会(E-TECH EUROPE / E-AUTO SHOW)是欧洲汽车电气化行业展,是电动汽车和电动汽车先进电池及技术展览和会议,从2022年开始,一年一届,在意大利博洛尼亚国际展览中心举行。 在 E-TECH EUROPE 上,作为先进电池和汽车行业电气化的国际贸易展,将整个机电、电子和零排放电动汽车供应链的主要行业参与者聚集在一起。


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