

   日期:2024-06-11     浏览:2770    状态:状态
展会日期 2026-05-04 至 2026-05-08
展出城市 慕尼黑
展出地址 慕尼黑新国际展览中心
展馆名称 慕尼黑新国际展览中心
主办单位 慕尼黑国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
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慕尼黑国际环保、能源和资源综合利用博览会(IFAT ENTSORGA)是国际上领先的环境保护、能源与资源综合利用的专业展览会,两年一届,在慕尼黑新展览中心举行。作为通过UFI认证的重要国际展会之一,国际环保、能源和资源综合利用贸易博览会(IFAT)始办于1966年,是目前世界上环保专业贸易的旗舰博览会,引领国际环保业的最新潮流,被公认为业内全球风向标。特别致力于废水、污水、废物处理和循 环应用领域的发展和创新。展会同期还将提供一系列环保行业领先科技和服务类论坛活动,内容覆盖水、污水及废弃物处理等各个方面。




IFAT展会不仅为制造和推广环保技术和服务的出口型德国企业提供一个市场平台,同时它还吸引了大量其他国家的企业参展——在2008年展会上,IFAT迎来了历届最多的外国参展商(分别来自44个国家),同时参展的国外观众也大幅增长(分别来自163个国家)。 作为国内环保产业进入国际市场的重要窗口,它不仅能为中国广大环保厂商提供广阔的贸易平台,更是国内厂商搜寻最新行业资讯、提升企业知名度、寻找贸易伙伴及拓宽业务渠道的最佳场所。


展品范围(Show Products):

水提取和处理;水和污水处理;配水及污水渠;海岸保护/控制洪水;垃圾处置和回收利用;从废料产生的能量; 街道清洁,保养和冬季公路服务;旧网站净化/土壤处理;烟气洗涤和抽气/空气污染消减;降噪/隔音;空包装返回系统/瓶;测量,控制和实验室技术服务;科学,研究,技术转移。


展会报告(Show Reports):

Record IFAT Munich: The world's leading trade fair for environmental technologies reflects global growth in the industry

Around 142,000 visitors from nearly 170 countries and regions

3,211 exhibitors from 61 countries and regions

300,000 square meters of exhibition space

IFAT Munich 2024, which took place from May 13 to 17 at the Munich Exhibition Center, ended with a top attendance: Around 142,000 visitors from nearly 170 countries and regions attended the world's leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management. The share of international visitors was over 50 percent and thus higher than ever. The number of international exhibitors also reached a new record: 55 percent of the 3,211 exhibitors came from abroad. Companies from a total of 61 countries and regions took part in the trade fair. With 300,000 square meters of space, IFAT Munich 2024 was also the largest ever.

Industry highlights innovation leadership

“IFAT Munich provides encouragement and gives us strength for the future,” says Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München. “The challenges of our time, such as the climate crisis or the shortage of raw materials, can only be solved with technology. Whether it's the transformation of municipalities towards more climate resilience or industry towards a more circular economy: IFAT Munich is the event which presents solutions for our future. I am delighted that IFAT Munich has received more attention than ever this year, from politics and business, to associations and companies.”

For the Chairman of the IFAT Munich Advisory Board, Dr. Johannes F. Kirchhoff, this year's event was “an absolute highlight. Where else can you meet the most important representatives from the industry from all over the world in just five days? I am very impressed by the variety of technologies and innovations that were presented here. The environmental technology sector is undoubtedly one of the most innovative industries at the moment—this was clearly demonstrated here at IFAT Munich.”

“Immense challenges for the circular economy”

The key issues at IFAT Munich this year centered around how the world can adapt to climate change and actively protect the environment, for example by achieving international climate protection targets. The circular economy plays a key role, as it can help to effectively reduce the (primary) raw materials that need to be used. “In an increasingly technological world with ever more complex products, the circular economy is facing immense challenges. At IFAT, we can discuss these issues with customers, partners and new contacts and work on solutions together,” says Thomas Conzendorf, member of the Remondis Management Board. “IFAT is an important forum for us as a group because it combines the relevant topics and issues of the water and recycling industries in the most efficient way.”

Adapting to climate change is essential

Communities play a special role on the path to better climate resilience. When it comes to dealing with heavy rainfall and flooding, extreme heat and water shortages, they rely on effective technological solutions. “IFAT Munich 2024 was once again a very good platform for mutual exchange and for advancing developments in various industries. Water and wastewater management, waste and recycling industries are very important for promoting the circular economy and climate resilience. Water, energy, the environment and climate are among the most important issues of our time,” says Rainer Köhler, Chief Sales Officer of Huber SE. “My personal impression of this year's IFAT is very positive: At our Huber booth we had many interested visitors from our relevant areas: Wastewater treatment plant operators, sewage treatment plant operators, planners, engineering offices, representatives from local authorities and industry and many more from Germany and abroad.”

Environmental technologies — a global issue

The importance of the topics and environmental technologies presented at IFAT Munich is also demonstrated by the increased internationality, especially from overseas. “China ranked third among the exhibitors this year with strong participation. The country is also in the top ten in visitor numbers,” explains Philipp Eisenmann, Exhibition Director of IFAT Munich: “We have also seen strong growth in visitors from the USA, Australia, India, Japan and South Korea. Environmental technologies and solutions are the growth market worldwide and IFAT Munich is THE platform.”

The next IFAT Munich will be held at the exhibition center in Munich from May 4 to 8, 2026.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
慕尼黑国际环保、能源和资源综合利用博览会(IFAT ENTSORGA)是国际上领先的环境保护、能源与资源综合利用的专业展览会,两年一届,在慕尼黑新展览中心举行。作为通过UFI认证的重要国际展会之一,国际环保、能源和资源综合利用贸易博览会(IFAT)始办于1966年,是目前世界上环保专业贸易的旗舰博览会,引领国际环保业的最新潮流,被公认为业内全球风向标。


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