

   日期:2024-05-27     浏览:132    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-05-06 至 2025-05-09
展出城市 斯图加特
展出地址 斯图加特国际展览中心
展馆名称 斯图加特国际展览中心
主办单位 德国P.E. Schall 展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
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德国斯图加特国际质量控制及仪器仪表展览会(Control)是国际上最专业的质量控制及仪器仪表贸易展览会, 是由 P .E.Schall 展会企业有限公司发起和赞助的,创立于 1987 年,一年一届,在德国的著名展览城市斯图加特展出,展期为四天。 Control 是世界上第一流的质量保证,质量监督专业展览会。 Control是以其展览规模全球最大,展品种类丰富,展品水平引领世界,参观专业客商档次最高而闻名于世的。它是国际质量保证行业的窗口,是国际质量监督,质量保证市场的缩影,是中国质量监督企业通往世界的最佳市场平台。




为了尽可能最好地实现这一目标,Control与该行业的先驱机构密切合作。包括Fraunhofer-Allianz Vision,Fraunhofer IPA,欧洲机器视觉协会和德国质量协会(德国质量协会)。专题展览,主题公园和专家介绍,为游客提供了集中的专业知识,从而为用户带来直接增值。

“如果质量和生产力在任何时候都不会持续改善,它会给所有的竞争对手带来超越的机会”,Bettina Schall作为Control组织者总结了质量保证的重要性。所以,控制系统逐年向世界提供了世界级的专家。理想与实践的最佳组合与前瞻性支持事件相结合。


展品范围(Show Products):






展会报告(Show Reports):

Top quality, strong relevance and high levels of expertise were the hallmarks of the 36th Control, which was held successfully from the 23rd to the 26th of April, 2024. 475 exhibitors came to Stuttgart and presented their top offerings in the fields of measuring, testing and evaluation technology. The international trade fair for quality assurance was distinguished by a clear thematic focus and an extremely lively exchange amongst experts.

Quality assurance procedures are essential for all companies and will have a significant impact on their future – this was confirmed once again at Control 2024. For four days, quality assurance experts engaged in an intensive dialogue at the utmost professional level. “We experienced a highly vibrant and exciting Control in 2024,” concludes project manager Fabian Krüger of trade fair promoters P. E. Schall. “475 exhibitors demonstrated what modern quality assurance is all about and how manufacturing companies can optimise their production processes in a future-oriented fashion on more than 25,000 square metres of floor space in halls 8 and 10.” 38% of the exhibitors journeyed to Stuttgart from outside of Germany – mostly from China, Switzerland, Italy and the USA. Numerous interested expert visitors took advantage of an intensive exchange of expertise in order to address their specific day-to-day business concerns, thus contributing to the trade fair’s overall atmosphere. “A highly positive mood prevailed at Control 2024. The aisles were already full on the morning of the trade fair’s first day, and the atmosphere was excellent on the following days as well. We had the pleasure of welcoming a total of 13,149 expert visitors in Stuttgart,” sums up Krüger.

Excellent Atmosphere, Outstanding Levels of Visitor Interest

Werth Messtechnik is represented at Control by tradition. Managing director Dr. Ralf Christoph emphasised the lively visitor interest once again this year: “Large numbers of visitors – despite difficult economic conditions – testify to the unbroken interest in modern solutions for quality assurance. Control remains the most important event for our industry sector. At the international level as well, there’s no comparable event anywhere.”

Together with his team, David Skuratowicz, managing director of a3Ds, demonstrated a robotic measuring cell for large components with a ten-ton rotary table. Here too, there was plenty of interest: “This is the most important trade fair for us as an exhibitor. This year we’re exhibiting only at Control, because this is where we establish highly qualified contacts. The people we meet here have well-founded expertise in measuring technology. You don’t have to explain measuring technology to anyone here – you just dive straight into specialised technical discussions. For us, the success rate in terms of business is higher at Control than at other trade fairs.”

Emma Hars, marketing manager at Metrologic Group, stated very concisely: “For us, Control is the most important trade fair of the year.” Jens Düffert, managing shareholder of Witte, also offered a positive trade fair summary: “We were very surprised by the strong feedback we received at Control 2024. Although some of the major players didn’t exhibit, lots of visitors came to our booth and took advantage of the opportunity to familiarise themselves with products offered by smaller companies. From this perspective, the trade fair was invaluable for us!”


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
德国斯图加特国际质量控制及仪器仪表展览会(Control)是国际上最专业的质量控制及仪器仪表贸易展览会, 是由 P .E.Schall 展会企业有限公司发起和赞助的,创立于 1987 年,一年一届,在德国的著名展览城市斯图加特展出,展期为四天。 Control 是世界上第一流的质量保证,质量监督专业展览会。


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