美国东部医药原料及天然提取物展览会(SupplySide East - SSE)是北美最大的植物提取物、健康及创新医药原料展览会,SupplySide展从1996年开始,一年一届,在美国东部城市新泽西州梅多斯兰举行,每年同时在西部城市拉斯维加斯举行美国西部医药原料及天然提取物展览会(SupplySide West - SSW)。该展是以植物提取物、功能食品原料、原料和保健品原料为主的美国最大的医药及保健品原 料专业展览会。每年展会分为动物营养、饮料、化妆品、膳食补充剂、食品和制药行业新的产品和令人兴奋地展览活动。
SupplySide East展会规模:最近几届参展企业超过1200家,观众人数2万多,中国参展企业达200家,每年均来自全球知名的企业参展。
据最新分析,食品饮料、健康保健中使用的配料越来越受到消费者的重视。北美洲(美国、加拿大及新加盟“北美自由贸易区”的墨西哥) 、欧盟与日本三大医药市场的贸易额合计占全球医药市场的85%,其中北美洲医药市场去年销售额高达2千亿美元,超过全球医药市场总销售 额的一半,年增长率高达12%。经调查显示,82%的消费者称终端产品中的配料成分会影响其购买判断。为了满足不断增长的客户需求可市场 份额,越来越多的生产商在寻找创新健康的配料产品。作为健康和创新原料领域的最大展会,SupplySide就是为他们搭建的一个绝好的平台, 目前它已成为中国食品保健品原料、天然提取物企业在北美开拓贸易市场的首选。
展品范围(Show Products):
功能食品原料、食品补充剂原料、医药保健品原料、美容化妆品原料等,包括:植物提取物、动物提取物、维生素、矿物提取物 、以及激素类产品、蜂产品、果胶、珍珠粉、脂肪酸、氨基酸、荷尔蒙类、膳食纤维、香料、硫酸软骨素、牛初乳、有益菌类、丝肽粉、羊胎 素、胶原蛋白粉、蛋白粉、多酚 黄体素;叶黄素酯类物质、玉米黄质、丙碘酮油悬液。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Informa Markets' SupplySide East, the East Coast's leading ingredients and supply-chain solutions trade show, gathered health and nutrition industry decision-makers from leading companies to connect with more than 250 top suppliers and service providers featuring the most innovative ingredients and formulation techniques to drive brands forward. Attendees had ample opportunities to discover more than 5,500 of the latest and most innovative ingredients and solutions on the market and network with health and nutrition industry professionals from across the globe. The event took place April 8-9 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, New Jersey.
SupplySide East, the East Coast’s leading ingredients and solutions tradeshow, is back in Secaucus, New Jersey this upcoming April. If you're looking to network with global industry suppliers and drive your business forward, this event is one you don't want to miss.
SupplySide East featured more education sessions than at any previous show, allowing all badge holders opportunities to learn from experts and gain insight into the latest science and trends in key categories including immune health, contract manufacturing and dietary supplement delivery forms. Also open to all at the event were two networking events including the opening day SupplySide Happy Hour and the Pies & Pints Reception.