

   日期:2024-04-17     浏览:7981    状态:状态
展会日期 2027-03-02 至 2027-03-05
展出城市 莱比锡
展出地址 莱比锡国际展览中心
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承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
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Intec是德国和欧洲金属加工行业领先的展会之一,这一事件标志着金属加工业的开始,其核心领域包括机床,用于自动化生产中的上游和下游工艺的系统以及用于金属加工的整个生产技术。专门从事工业用品的Intec展和Z展- 分包商展二展联合展示了整个生产过程和客户链。事实上,这两个展会都集中在类似的行业,产生了协同效应,参展商和观众可以从中受益。


展品范围(Show Products):



展会报告(Show Reports):

With huge crowds of visitors, professional discussions, attractive trade fair stands and innovative technologies, the industry trade fairs Intec and Z celebrated a strong comeback at Leipziger Messe from 7 to 10 March 2023. For the first time, the GrindTec - International Trade Fair for Tool Grinding and Tool Machining brought added value to the industry trade fair duo with a successful restart at the new location in Leipzig. At Intec, Z and GrindTec, 821 exhibitors from 29 countries displayed their new products and services across 50,000 square metres of exhibition space and 19,300 visitors from 49 countries came to find out more. Exhibitors and visitors alike were very satisfied with the trade fair.

The Intec, Z and GrindTec trade fair trio convincingly demonstrated its role as an international industry gathering for the European metals processing, subcontracting and machine tool industries. "We are thrilled by the tremendous visitor turnout and the great atmosphere in the exhibition halls. Our trade fair trio showed itself to be innovative, highly effective and international", says Markus Geisenberger, Chief Executive Officer of Leipziger Messe. "We were finally able to welcome the metal processing industry to Leipzig again. The concept of creating a trio of trade fairs worked very well – Intec, Z and GrindTec 2023 were a complete success."


Positive reviews of the trade fair trio by exhibitors and visitors

Exhibitors and visitors alike made it clear that they urgently needed the personal exchange made possible by the industry trade fairs in Leipzig. "There was so much to do right from day one. I could hardly leave the stand because there were so many visitors. Sometimes we even drew up firm business proposals there and then. So, we're very satisfied with our appearance at the trade fair. Our expectations were fully met. Everywhere we went, it was noticeable how delighted everyone was to finally be back at the trade fair again. We've already decided to return to Intec in 2025", says Alain Strebel, Authorised Signatory and Sales Director for Northern Europe at Fehlmann Machinenfabrik from Switzerland.

The trade fair trio clearly struck a chord with the industry. In the official survey, 88 per cent of exhibitors reported that they had achieved their goals for the trade fair. Nine out of ten respondents praised the visitors' expert qualifications.

Markus Horn was one of those satisfied exhibitors. As Managing Director at Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik, he says "Intec is a fixed date in our trade fair calendar. In summary, we can say that the 2023 event was very well attended with an unusually high proportion of professional visitors and that the trade fair was a complete success for us. Leipzig is the perfect platform for our target group."

The visitors gave positive reviews as well. In the survey, 96 per cent of visitors said they would recommend the trade fair trio. 93 per cent of the respondents are certain that they will be back to visit the next edition of the trade fair. Additionally, 85 per cent of visitors who responded to the survey said that visiting the trade fair had been worthwhile. Over 50 per cent of visitors were decision-makers.


Successful GrindTec debut in Leipzig

The Association of German Precision Tool Grinders (FDPW) – conceptual and professional partner of GrindTec – reported that it was very satisfied with the trade fair's debut in Leipzig. Uwe Schmidt, President of the FDPW, says: "The successful relaunch of GrindTec at its new location in Leipzig brought together large numbers of professionals and decision-makers working in the relevant sectors with competent business partners on the stands. Leipzig proved to be easily accessible with a good travel network."

Among the companies exhibiting at the first Leipzig edition of GrindTec was GDS Präzisionszerspanung. Managing Director Thomas Löhn remarked: "Most importantly, we could see the immense new potential of combining GrindTec with Intec and Z. We were particularly impressed with the high level of expertise among the visitors. It meant we could talk in-depth at a highly professional level with large numbers of initial contacts as well as regular customers. We even signed some new agreements there and then at the stand. We're planning to come back in 2025." 

Leipzig’s industrial trade fairs are a firm fixture in the European trade fair calendar

Global market leaders, innovative small and medium-sized companies and successful SMEs used the Leipzig trade fair trio as an attractive, efficient marketplace. Digitalisation specialist N+P Informationssysteme was among the exhibitors. Managing Director and Partner Jens Hertwig shared his thoughts. "You could tell right from the start that this year's edition of Intec was going to be busy. Exhibitors and visitors alike were so thrilled to be there. The response at our stand was very good and visitors were well qualified to an excellent level. The international nature of the event was also very noticeable with numerous visitors from Eastern Europe."


The trade fair trio not only drew in a multitude of visitors from Central Germany but also proved its appeal to visitors from across Germany. Every sixth visitor travelled more than 300 kilometres to attend the trade fair. The trade fair trio was also very attractive internationally and visitors from 49 countries – especially Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary – travelled to Leipzig. The trade fair trio's international significance was also reflected in the international cooperative forums, which were very well attended. The ConTACT Business Meetings also drew about 190 participants from 22 countries.

This year's Z also had a lot to offer internationally including collective stands from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Italy. The company Falascotech, for example, participated in the Italian collective stand. CEO Federico Falasco reports: "We're exhibiting at Z for the first time and it was absolutely the right decision to come. We made some excellent business contacts from Germany and Eastern Europe. Many interesting conversations resulted in concrete project inquiries. We're fully expecting these to result in new business for us after the trade fair. We'd love to come back in two years' time."

The Bäcker company also exhibited at Z for the first time in Leipzig. General Manager Marco Dornseifer: "We don't have many customers in eastern Germany yet so we decided to take part in Z. And we're thrilled. The sales leads we generated here have real potential. We weren't expecting that at all. We're so happy with the specific customer enquiries we received and are expecting to do good business as a result of the trade fair. We'll certainly be exhibiting again in two years' time. For us, it was a tremendous success."


Comprehensive conference programme complements the trade fairs

The industry's top themes were not only discussed at the exhibition stands. The clear focus on current industry developments ensured that the trade fair trio's conference programme generated a good response. The events and special shows on future-oriented topics such as additive manufacturing, sensor technology and added value from hydrogen over the four days of the trade fair were very well received by participants. The conference programme thus offered an additional platform for professional exchange. The Industry's Hidden Champions Conference and the Industry Specialists Day were also important items on the conference programme.


GrindTec's conference programme was also a hit: A broad range of tool-grinding topics was the focus of presentations at the GrindTec FORUM and elsewhere. At the GrindTec INNOVATION AWARD, the jury honoured innovative and sustainable products, processes and services. The first prize went to the company Adelbert Haas for Multigrind® Multimation. Even more exciting was the final of the TOOLGRINDER CHALLENGE. Martin Maier, a journeyman at JERSA was the winner and is now the best precision tool grinder of the year. 

March 2025: The next Intec, Z and GrindTec dates are //confirm/i/ied

The next edition of the international trade fair trio Intec, Z and GrindTec is planned for 11 to 14 March 2025 ,2 to 5 March 2027 at Leipziger Messe.


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