

   日期:2024-04-13     浏览:1922    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-03-18 至 2025-03-20
展出城市 拉斯维加斯
展出地址 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心(Las Vegas Convention Center)
展馆名称 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心
主办单位 英国励展博览集团有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


美国国际五金工具展览会(National Hardware Show - NHS)是北美区域举行的全面而专业的五金园艺工具展览会,由励展集团组织,从1946年开始,一年一届,在拉斯维加斯会议展览中心举行。该展涵盖最新DIY家居装修、油漆、五金工具、家居用品、家装渠道用品、水暖、电气、草坪、花园、户外生活等产品。通过与来自多个不同国家的产品多元化以及跨国采购区,共同形成一个全球五金用品聚会。




参加NHS展会原因:探索新的产品,品牌产品的供应商与客户需要面对面的交流与沟通;从创新的参展商那里获得营销理念和解决方案,以及阶段会议,交流机会,现场展示获得灵感;发现通过参展商展示特价和折扣的新品牌和省钱的交易;与在展会现场全新的买入机会将您的业务 - 包括拍卖会;寻找一个新的产品?这是要去的地方!与会者83%的人认为新产品是他们参加展会的首要原因。


展品范围(Show Products):


展会报告(Show Reports):

National Hardware Show (NHS) is excited to announce its show dates will swing back into the spring time frame to accommodate the growing lawn, garden and outdoor living community and continue expanding new categories that deliver added value to the home improvement industry. The swing into spring will put NHS in the new West Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center on March 18-20, 2025. In addition to bringing back its large lawn, garden and outdoor living community, NHS plans to introduce new categories including gift, hobby, craft, sporting goods, and services & solutions.   

NHS will also be expanding its education series to offer an enhanced range of content designed for both the buying and selling communities with an emphasis on new experiences that foster networking and fun. NHS is committed to keeping a focused eye on the future of the home improvement industry and will stay true to its core in delivering new products, connections and experiences in 2025 and beyond.

“We are thrilled to bring the entire NHS community back together, and welcome in new members, as we continue to grow to accommodate the needs of the home improvement industry. This spring time frame will be the new normal for NHS, so mark your calendars and stay tuned for updates as we move forward,” said Beth Casson, Event Leader, National Hardware Show.

Buyers from Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, True Value, Wayfair, Orgill and more along with exhibitors across categories are happy with the new dates and look forward to seeing the event back in the spring time frame. 

Wrapping today on a successful 2023 show with more than 1000 exhibitors (more than 60% new); 50+ educational stage presentations / seminars; NHS Expanded Backyard that encompassed all things lawn, garden, farm, ranch outdoor living and grilling; the NEW Retail Solutions Center that showcased evolving technologies and merchandising solutions that improve functionality and drive sales in retail stores.

The first annual NHS Influencer Summit hosted by Kathryn Emery, Tools in Action, Wilker Do’s, Tools By Design, Tool Pros, Tool Girls Garage, Reclaimed Karma, Make 48, Ringofire and attended by 30+ influencers looking to learn valuable tricks of the trade in a fireside type setting.

Keynotes were focused on the Future of Retail with sessions such as Understanding Today’s PRO and DIY Customer with the Farnsworth Group; The Role of Cloud Technology with Epicor; Merchandising and Tech Initiatives to Drive Retail Efficiency with North American Hardware and Paint Association (NHPA). NHPA also focused on Merchandising Management during the show designed to train retailers in product sourcing, merchandising and acquisition strategies. United Inventors Association (UIA) Inventor Education was three full days packed with information and Shark Tank style pitch panels to not only help guide inventors down the path to success, but to give NHS attendees a sneak peek into the latest product innovations coming down the pike.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
美国国际五金工具展览会(National Hardware Show - NHS)是北美区域举行的全面而专业的五金园艺工具展览会,由励展集团组织,从1946年开始,一年一届,在拉斯维加斯会议展览中心举行。该展涵盖最新DIY家居装修、油漆、五金工具、家居用品、家装渠道用品、水暖、电气、草坪、花园、户外生活等产品。


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