墨西哥国际工业机械制造展会(EXPO MANUFACTURA)是墨西哥最大的工业机械制造及设备贸易展,该展由TARSUS展览集团举办,从1996年开始一年一届,在墨西哥各城市轮流举行,展会举办为期4天,将为本地和世界各地的采购商提供见面的机会,多年的展会历史,使此展会在各个参展域累积了大量的参展人士和丰富的市场经验,该展会也是企业打开墨西哥市场非常重要的一个平台。
EXPO MANUFACTURA参展企业将获得:促进商业交流;在一个地方用更少的时间接触更多的客户(节省旅行时间);提高销售团队的生产力;定位并强化您的品牌;展示创新;满足客户需求。
EXPO MANUFACTURA 吸引来自330多家参展企业,观展人数近2万人,展览面积近2万平米,展团有:德国展团、意大利展团、巴西展团、美国展团、中国展团、加拿大展团、印度展团等等,国际知名展商:MITUTOYO、MAZAK、YAMAZEN等。
EXPO MANUFACTURA®是展示您的产品的理想平台,展示标志着行业转型的最新技术、创新和趋势。观众角色包括:CEO,总经理,区域总监,工程经理,部门负责人,工厂工程师,IT经理,生产/运营者等。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
For 28 editions in 2024 we have achieved: + 19,590 INDUSTRY SPECIALISTS, + 23,000 m2 EXHIBITION FLOOR, + 503 EXHIBITORS, + 1,000 BRANDS, + 206 MACHINES, + 483 TONS, + 35 COUNTRIES, + 31 MEXICAN STATES.
EXPO MANUFACTURA® 2025 is the ideal platform to showcase your products with the latest technology, innovation and trends that mark the transformation of the sector.
A very positive outlook for Mexico is currently in sight thanks to the benefits that will be generated by the nearshoring boom. It is estimated that foreign companies arriving in our country for the first time will invest around 11 billion dollars, of which 3 billion will be focused on manufacturing plants.
Mexico ranks fourth globally in the list of countries that generate the most interest for companies planning to relocate their production plants, after Japan, Canada and the United States, which is ranked number one. Nearshoring is already a reality and a historic opportunity for the manufacturing industry, but it is necessary for companies of all sizes to prepare themselves, boost their competitiveness, automate processes and transition to digital transformation.
In this context, EXPO MANUFACTURA 2025 will make available to visitors a wide range of products, machinery and technologies applied to production processes, from the Internet of Things, Cobots, sustainability in the production plant, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, among many more.