南美洲国际运输与物流展览会(INTERMODAL SOUTH AMERICA )是南美洲领先的物流与运输展览和会议,展商来自集装箱和多式联运等行业相关联的所有公司,该展由欧洲信息展览有限公司主办,从1997年开始,每年一届,在南美洲各地轮流举行,在巴西等地举行,充分体现展览重点及市场。INTERMODAL SOUTH AMERICA是全球领先的集装箱运输和物流活动。二十多年来,INTERMODAL SOUTH AMERICA一直是集装箱、运输和物流业专业人士最重要的商业平台。通过提供高度针对性的受众,免费参加的展览和会议汇集了世界领先的供应商和行业专家网络、贸易和启发。
由于整个全球经济出现复苏迹象,运输和物流专业人才,需要一系列的新问题的创新解决方案。以及贸易条件波动,他们都面临着政府监管,安全和环境问题,并寻求各种方法来区分他们的服务在激烈的市场竞争。他们正在寻找在多个交通工具,从卡车到铁路,从船舶到驳船,以满足日益苛刻的目标。这就是为什么现在比以往任何时候都更加需要,他们正在一个日期,访问INTERMODAL SOUTH AMERICA展览会。这是一个独特的机会,发现新的产品,满足供应商,将使他们在未来的竞争优势。
每年约有5000名来自世界各地的参加者,INTERMODAL SOUTH AMERICA经常吸引主要货主、航运公司、集装箱专业人士和参与Intermodal供应链的人员。他们聚在一起不仅网络和做生意,而且看到最新的创新和物流解决方案。活动包括免费参加的展览和会议。该展览吸引了一些多式联运行业最大的名字,展示他们最新的产品和服务。会议主办了一些最具影响力的行业演讲嘉宾,与会者对双方主义的未来深有见解。
展品范围(Show Products):
第三方物流、货运/运输制冷/冷链管理、容器设备供应商、集装箱租赁、容器制造商、货柜码头营办商、配送中心/仓储、干港/内陆联运枢纽、货运处理设备、货运及物流服务、货运代理、内河航道的运营商和设备供应商、保险/金融、多式联运设备供应商、IT /软件供应商、港口/港务局、铁路货运设备供应商、铁路货运码头及服务、公路运输经营者、航运公司、短途海运操作。
展会报告(Show Reports):
The entire logistics sector community registered and visited the largest and most complete Logistics, Intralogistics, Technology, Cargo Transport, and Foreign Trade events in the Americas. In its 28th edition, Intermodal had another entire pavilion dedicated to the event. More than 500 national and international exhibiting brands were present, including 101 new exhibitors, and 25 who returned to the event, brought to the event the latest trends in the sector, solutions, services, and equipment, as well as a lot of technology and innovation! And get ready, because next year, Intermodal South America will have a new home, but always with open arms, waiting for you!
With enormous potential, the logistics sector proved its value during the pandemic, when, with resilience, it overcame challenges and secured global supply. After the health crisis, the market presents a trend of growth facing the various possibilities of operation and innovation. Automation, artificial intelligence, and data monitoring are some of the technologies that should help drive the industry forward.
During the 2024 edition of Intermodal South America, panelists from various countries presented cases, studies and solutions for the global logistics chain. Topics such as technology, sustainability, energy transition and infrastructure made up the Interlog Summit's lecture grid. It was three days of a lot of content, networking and business prospecting.
Cesari also used this technological artifice of virtual reality for a 360 degree tour of the group's companies. Cesari Group business director Giovanni Borlenghi was pleased to defend the company's participation in 27a Intermodal. "Intermodal this year exceeded expectations. We had more than 1,500 visitors at our booth during the three days of the fair, and we noticed an audience with a more commercial profile. It was also an opportunity to meet customers that we had not yet met in person, due to the years of the pandemic, and to present the new companies of the group," he said. Today, Cesari has 10 seconds of experience. solutions in logistics in the sector.