

   日期:2024-03-30     浏览:1396    状态:状态
展会日期 2025-04-08 至 2025-04-10
展出城市 哥本哈根
展出地址 哥本哈根伊利贝拉展览中心
展馆名称 哥本哈根伊利贝拉展览中心
主办单位 欧洲风能协会
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
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欧洲海上风能资源展览会(OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY / WindEurope Annual Event )是欧洲及全球最大的以海上风能利用为主题的展览及会议活动,该展一年一届,在欧洲沿海城市轮流举行。作为全球最大、同时也是唯一以“海上风能”为主题的国际风能展会,欧洲海上风能展上约到场专业观众6500人,分别来自50个不同的国家;约有420位展商参展;约160位风电领域专业人士发表了演讲。


欧洲风能协会(Wind Europe)代表整个风电行业价值链:业主/开发商、制造商、银行和保险公司,以及研究机构。协会成员包括欧洲所有国家的国家级风能协会。欧洲风能协会是风电行业的代表,在欧洲和世界范围内推广风电。协会有450多个成员,活跃在40多个国家。除了世界风力发电市场领先的整机制造商外,协会的成员还包括零配件供应商、研究机构、国家级风力和可再生能源协会、开发商、承包商、电力供应商、金融和保险公司以及咨询公司。欧洲风能协会为风能行业积极分析和构建重要的战略政策,促进行业与科研机构之间的合作,开展多项市场开发和技术研究项目。同时,协会组织的活动能让会员企业成功地拓展其业务。




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展会报告(Show Reports)

The wind sector is growing rapidly. By 2030 it will employ over 500,000 people in Europe, up from 300,000 jobs today. The sector must address the huge challenge of finding additional skilled workers in this short time frame. At the WindEurope Annual Event 2024 more than 500 students registered for a 3-day student programme to learn more about job opportunities in the sector. The student programme aims to generate positive awareness of the diverse job opportunities in wind. It aims to accelerate the entry of interested students into the wind energy workforce.

For the first time this year the WindEurope Annual Event student programme ran over all three conference days. 500 Spanish and international students joined wind industry representatives in Bilbao. In different learning and networking sessions the students could ask young and experienced industry professionals about chances and career paths in the wind industry.


The absence of essential skills can impede wind energy projects and in the long run prevent the EU from reaching its energy and climate targets. It is crucial that we bridge the gap between industry and universities. Bilbao is the perfect place to foster collaboration between the two.

In panels and discussion rounds students learned about the talents and skills required in the wind sector. Working in wind energy is not only about manufacturing turbines. From marine biologist to project planner and from offshore diver to steel structure specialist or software manager – there is a wide range of jobs in offshore and onshore. It’s not just for academics and graduates with higher education. The wind sector offers opportunities for students with non-academic background and non-academic training programmes. During a tour of the exhibition floor the students met different wind energy companies and learned about the latest technologies and innovations in onshore and offshore wind.

Oliver Wykes, WindEurope’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “The EU increased its 2030 renewable energy target to 42.5%. This expansion will mean hundreds of thousands of additional green jobs. Today the wind sector employs 300,000 people. In less than 7 years we will need to create more than 200,000 new jobs – and find the talents to fill these positions. Re-skilling from other sectors such as coal mining and oil & gas will play a big role, but students and younger generations are an important part of the needed talent pool. They are the future of our workforce that will drive the energy transition. We have a responsibility to support our industry to deliver. This student programme is one of the initiatives we are undertaking to tackle this challenge. It’s a great opportunity to showcase the industry and inspire those who have the required skills but have not considered working in the sector. And it is of course an important platform for those who have specialised their studies or chosen to work in wind for them to meet their future employers.”

José Ignacio Hormaeche, General Manager at the Basque Energy Cluster, said: “The WindEurope annual event in Bilbao will provide us a unique framework to engage students and young professionals in one of the most exciting and promising working environments they can find today: the wind sector. From the Basque Energy Cluster we are looking forward to sharing with all participants the professional opportunities and sense of purpose that our companies offer in the ‘Industry for the wind future'”.

WindEurope is delighted to join forces again with the city of Copenhagen and our Danish partners to deliver another wide-ranging industry gathering – WindEurope’s Annual Event 2025 in Copenhagen. Denmark is the birthplace of wind energy and the Danes are still breaking new wind power records right across the board. They are the only country in Europe to source more than half of their electricity from wind – up to 55%. We broke attendance records in 2023 with close to 16,000 participants and are expecting to confirm this trend in 2025.

Our 2030 targets are looming – and Europe is looking to transform its energy system. We need big decisions and a determined push to reach our goals. This is our chance to come together as a sector – to get our bearings and set our industry on the road to success.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
欧洲海上风能资源展览会(OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY / WindEurope Annual Event )是欧洲及全球最大的以海上风能利用为主题的展览及会议活动,该展一年一届,在欧洲沿海城市轮流举行。


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