欧洲社区药房大会提供了一个讨论当前专业问题的会面点。 它已被西班牙卫生,社会服务和平等部认证为关爱健康。
参加Infarma Barcelona / Madrid 是在社区药房中引入或改善您的产品和服务的最有效和最有价值的方式。 作为Infarma的参展商,您将与超过2.500名大会参与者和超过28.000名专业观众保持直接和专业的关系。
展品范围(Show Products):
非处方药,处方药,仿制药,皮肤药物,营养药物,植物疗法,营养补充剂,顺势疗法,保健品,光学,整形外科,治疗产品,配方产品和工具,咨询和服务,营销和分销,设施,装饰和医疗保健, 技术出版物和新闻,社区,协会和机构,多媒体 - 信息技术,零售药房用品。
展会报告(Show Reports):
The Madrid infarma in 2024 far exceeds all of our most optimistic predictions. Without a doubt, we are facing the infarma with the largest number of people, attendance, and participation in history. This is the definition of Manuel Mart í nez del Peral, the President of the Madrid Infarma and the Official Institute of Pharmacists in Madrid in 2024. This is the first edition of the European Pharmaceutical Conference and Drug and Paradrug Salon, organized by the Institute of Pharmacists in Madrid and Barcelona (COFB) and Closerstill at the IFEMA venue from March 19th to 21st.
The Chairman of COFM emphasized at the closing ceremony the collaborative and avant-garde nature of the forum, which is built on the Madrid Barcelona axis with the power of companies such as Closerstill. He said, "Spanish pharmacies need an infarma, and every year they come up with answers that pharmacists can provide to today's enormous social and health challenges, because society needs pharmacists as part of addressing these challenges.".
In this regard, he emphasized the value of Infarma as a conference space to strengthen cooperation between pharmacists, industry, distribution, and service companies, in order to achieve the common goal of enhancing healthcare and improving people's quality of life.
Martinez del Pelar handed over witnesses to COFB President and Vice President of the Conference, Jordi Casas, at the closing ceremony to organize the 2025 Barcelona infarma, which will take place from March 25th to 27th next year.