

   日期:2024-01-30     浏览:10625    状态:状态
展会日期 2026-01-15 至 2026-01-17
展出城市 莱比锡
展出地址 莱比锡国际展览中心
展馆名称 莱比锡国际展览中心
主办单位 莱比锡国际展览有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
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莱比锡国际兽医技术博览会(vetexpo Leipziger Tierärztekongress)是一届专业的兽医技术博览会,从1998年开始,两年一届,在莱比锡国际展览中心举行。莱比锡兽医展的大会与会者和参展商来自德国各地以及来自其邻国,凭借其全面和多样化的方案,莱比锡兽医大会提供了一个独特的论坛,为进一步的专业发展,讨论和交流经验的兽医,兽医助理,学生和业界代表。同时举办多个讲座,研讨会,讲习班和专业发展课程,包括兽医实践的各个领域,涉及范围从马,狗和猫,以反刍动物,猪和家禽以及药物和毒物学,食品安全,法律等更广泛的适用,展会主题 - 包括动物保护和动物疾病和流行病。除了全国代表大会,“马生殖医学国际会议”(ICERM)将再次成为一个事件的基石。

视展-观全球会展、携同行合作为参展企业提供完善的会展服务,环宇视展国际会展商务网-简称视展网、国际会展网是永不落幕的全球交易展览会-18SZ.com Trade Fairs and Messe is Never ending global trade fair & exhibition online。

莱比锡兽医大会已经发展成为兽医从业人员访问量最大的德国大会。在短时间内,莱比锡兽医大会已经成为兽医职业的全国性会议场所。 针对从事农场动物和宠物工作的从业人员,兽医服务的兽医以及科学界和工业界的兽医。 因此,大会也是动物卫生行业参展商展示产品和服务的理想平台。




展品范围(Show Products):



展会报告(Show Reports):

After three days of intensive educational events, fascinating discussions and exciting product presentations, the 12th Leipzig Veterinary Congress has closed with record attendance. Despite the snow and ice, 6,900 (2022: 5,600) visitors from the veterinary care industry and 500 speakers from all across German-speaking Europe flocked to Leipziger Messe from 18 to 20 January. Participants were thrilled with the extensive content and superb quality of the congress programme. Many visitors also took the opportunity to attend the vetexpo and be inspired by new products and services for daily use in their veterinary practices. 329 exhibitors came to the trade fair, making it the largest of its kind in Central Europe. They showcased a wide range of innovations, products, trends and services for applications in veterinary treatment and care.

"It is overwhelming how fast the Leipzig Veterinary Congress has grown. This clearly shows how important the event has become for vets working in all fields of veterinary medicine", says Prof Dr Uwe Truyen, Congress President and Director of the Institute for Animal Hygiene and Public Veterinary Services at the University of Leipzig. "The recipe for success lies in the combination of CPD events and the opportunity to network at the vetexpo. Connecting with others, learning from each other, exchanging information and socialising are all aspects that contribute to creating a unique atmosphere that could clearly be felt again at this year's event."

Martin Buhl-Wagner, Managing Director of Leipziger Messe, adds: "The record number of visitors and the overwhelmingly positive response from both exhibitors and visitors are confirmation of the excellent standing of the Leipzig Veterinary Congress. What's more, the number of international exhibitors at the vetexpo is gradually increasing. This reflects the significance of the event at a European level. We look forward to continuing our work on further expanding this industry get-together in the future."

At the congress, over 500 talks and courses on the programme covered the latest developments and research in veterinary medicine. The event could accurately be described as highly relevant, scientific and forward-looking. Alongside specific topics on each species of animal, speakers also looked at subjects relevant to all vets including ethical and legal questions, animal protection and food safety. This wide variety meant that vets of every specialisation, veterinary assistants and students were all able to benefit from comprehensive professional development sessions.

The congress programme was hugely popular and resulted in full lecture rooms and top marks on the feedback questionnaire. 96 per cent of participants said they will be recommending the Leipzig Veterinary Congress to their colleagues and expect to return in 2026. Attendees travelled to Leipzig from all of Germany's federal states as well as from neighbouring countries.

Full Aisles, Fresh Inspiration and Fruitful Meetings

The mood at vetexpo was euphoric as participants soaked up fresh inspiration and enjoyed lively discussions. Professional visitors to the event made the most of the opportunity to find out all about current trends, new product innovations and the latest treatment methods in veterinary practice. The wide range of exhibitors ensured there were always big crowds at the stands. An additional highlight was the Vetjobs24 CAREER CORNER, where 35 companies presented themselves as potential employers to interested young visitors.

The response from exhibitors to the trade fair was tremendous. 95 per cent said they plan to return in 2026 to exhibit at vetexpo and would recommend the event to others. "As a Gold Sponsor, the Leipzig Veterinary Congress is always a special event for us. We were overwhelmed by the response to our stand. We had in-depth talks with customers and partners and had the opportunity to present our entire product portfolio. Visitors were particularly interested in our new oral medicine for cats with diabetes, and we expect it to revolutionise treatment in this area. We also took part in the CAREER CORNER as a prospective employer and very much enjoyed meeting the next generation of vets. In short, it was a successful event on all counts. We are looking forward to coming back to the 2026 edition of the Leipzig Veterinary Congress", says Betina Prestel, CEO of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH Deutschland and Chairperson of the BfT (German Federal Association for Animal Health).

Tonja Grassmann, Head of Corporate Communications & Public Policy DACH (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) at MSD Tiergesundheit was also delighted with the event. "As a company, you just have to be here. I can't think of any other event where we can reach out to so many vets of all ages, from students to experienced members of the veterinary care industry working with every kind of animal imaginable. Our exhibition stand was packed from morning til night. As always, the quality of conversations and the networking opportunities were fantastic. We used the occasion here at the Leipzig Veterinary Congress to present our latest vaccine for cattle to prevent cryptosporidia in young animals and received great feedback. For our company, the Leipzig Veterinary Congress is a fixed date on our calendar. This is where the German veterinary care industry gets together."

The Challenging Shortage of Vets

"In addition to highlighting professional topics, the congress is also taking a look at the critical issues our industry is facing. This is unique to the Leipzig event", says Dr Uwe Hörügel, President of the Chamber of Veterinary Medicine of Saxony, which is the patron of the 12th Leipzig Veterinary Congress.

In view of the current fall in the number of veterinary practices, several talks at the career forum looked into how to motivate more young vets to set up their own business. "We want to show the next generation of young professionals working in veterinary medicine that it is not only fun to run your own practice but also financially profitable. The economic conditions for setting up your own practice are excellent at the moment because the demand for veterinary services continues to grow", Dr Hörügel stresses. He goes on to explain that there are manageable financial packages available that enable vets to invest in a practice and cover the necessary repayments without the need for start-up capital.

The 13th Leipzig Veterinary Congress will take place from 15 to 17 January 2026 at Leipziger Messe at the same time as PARTNER PFERD.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
莱比锡国际兽医技术博览会(vetexpo Leipziger Tierärztekongress)是一届专业的兽医技术博览会,从1998年开始,两年一届,在莱比锡国际展览中心举行。莱比锡兽医展的大会与会者和参展商来自德国各地以及来自其邻国,凭借其全面和多样化的方案,莱比锡兽医大会提供了一个独特的论坛,为进一步的专业发展,讨论和交流经验的兽医,兽医助理,学生和业界代表。


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