

   日期:2023-12-27     浏览:1260    状态:状态
展会日期 2024-09-03 至 2024-09-05
展出城市 墨西哥城
展出地址 墨西哥城国际展览中心(Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City)
展馆名称 墨西哥城国际展览中心
主办单位 德国推广太阳能有限公司
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)


墨西哥国际太阳能技术贸易博览会(Intersolar Mexico)是墨西哥举行的品牌国际太阳能技术贸易展览会,于 2019 年首次举行,一年一届,在墨西哥举行。该展成为该行业在前景广阔的墨西哥太阳能市场中最重要的技术趋势和最佳 B2B 联系的首选来源。 Intersolar Mexico 由 Solar Promotion International GmbH、Pforzheim and Freiburg Management and Marketing International GmbH (FMMI) 和 Tarsus Mexico 组织。


该展将与THE GREEN EXPO®、ConIECO 国际环境大会和墨西哥水处理技术展( Aquatech Mexico)同时举行。 来自15个国家的200多家参展商将共同参展。


Intersolar Global 是致力于清洁能源未来的全球领先展览系列。凭借 30 多年的经验,Intersolar 拥有将来自世界上最具影响力的市场和供应链的能源行业成员聚集在一起的独特能力。展览和会议每年在慕尼黑、圣地亚哥、圣保罗、墨西哥城、甘地讷格尔和迪拜举行。




展品范围(Show Products):

光伏电池及组件 、光伏生产技术 、光伏系统技术、太阳能经销商与分销商、光伏产品和服务、太阳能热利用技术 、逆变器 、组件、安装配件、安装系统 、跟踪系统。


展会报告(Show Reports):

Intersolar Mexico Almost Tripled in Size, Becoming the Leading Event for the Solar Industry in Mexico and a Meeting Point to Generate Solar Business at an International Level

Intersolar Mexico, THE GREEN EXPO®, Aquatech Mexico and Mexico WindPower announce their next edition from September 3–5, 2024, at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City.

The size of the Intersolar Mexico exhibition floor almost triples with a particular growth in the number of exhibitors from the energy storage sector.

The Intersolar Mexico Conference was an enriching forum for debate on the most relevant aspects of the PV, solar thermal and storage industry, bringing together 43 industry specialists on the podium, with 49% participation of female experts.

The great interest in the training program was evident in the three workshops about sales of solar projects and the high attendance at the 17 free Intersolar Stage technology talks.


Mexico City, September 12, 2023 – The 4th edition of Intersolar Mexico was held in parallel with the 30th edition of THE GREEN EXPO®, the International Environmental Congress of CONIECO, the 7th edition of Aquatech Mexico, and the 11th edition of MEXICO WINDPOWER®. All four international events were a resounding success and exceeded all expectations.

More than 11,000 attendees gathered over three days to learn about a broad horizon of technologies, network among industry peers and share knowledge on solar and wind power generation, environmental management and water technologies in one place.

According to José Navarro, director of Tarsus, the simultaneous holding of these magnificent events was a valuable opportunity to bring together multiple communities such as: government authorities, high-level professionals and decision makers from major industries in a dynamic environment that fostered innovation and sustainable development.

More than 400 companies from Mexico, Germany, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Spain, the United States, India, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Panama, the United Kingdom, Thailand, Taiwan and the United States, among others, participated on the exhibition floor.


Dr. Florian Wessendorf, Managing Director, Solar Promotion International GmbH, highlighted the resounding growth of the fourth edition of Intersolar Mexico. The exhibition floor practically tripled in size, making it the leading event in the country for companies and organizations in the solar sector in Mexico and the meeting point for generating business not only in the country, but also in Europe and the rest of North America and Latin America. Exhibiting companies from Mexico, Germany, Brazil, China, Panama, Turkey, among others, participated. The remarkable participation of exhibitors from the battery and storage sector makes evident the strategic importance and potential of these topics in the country.

The Intersolar Mexico Conference was an enriching forum for debate on the most relevant aspects of the market, bringing together 43 specialists from the solar sector in Mexico and abroad, with 49% participation of women experts and speakers from Germany, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, the United States, Puerto Rico and Argentina. Two days of lectures and panel discussions on trends, innovations and success stories in photovoltaics, solar thermal and energy storage were part of the packed program.


The great interest in the training program was evident in the three solar project sales workshops and the large attendance at the 17 free technology talks at the Intersolar Stage.

The next edition of this important B2B platform will be held from September 3–5, 2024, at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
墨西哥国际太阳能技术贸易博览会(Intersolar Mexico)是墨西哥举行的品牌国际太阳能技术贸易展览会,于 2019 年首次举行,一年一届,在墨西哥举行。该展成为该行业在前景广阔的墨西哥太阳能市场中最重要的技术趋势和最佳 B2B 联系的首选来源。


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