意大利米兰全球电梯及配件展览会(GEE - Global Elevator Exhibition)是专门针对电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行道和部件的展览会。由 Fiera Milano 组织的顶级展会参与者,位于现在被认为是技术创新之都和意大利第一个 SMARTCITY 的地方。
GEE 希望成为电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行道和零部件行业全球会议的欧洲中心。 其目标是代表和推广最高质量、安全和技术标准,并提供设计解决方案以满足各种需求。帮助推动城市交通和可达性迈向可持续发展的未来。
在意大利,电梯和自动扶梯部门为 1,500 多家公司雇佣了 23,000 名员工。就安装的电梯数量(100 万台)而言,它是仅次于中国的第二大国家,每天有近 1 亿人次乘坐。
同期举行的还有:国际安全与消防展览会(SICUREZZA)、智能建筑展(SMART BUILDING EXPO)是家庭、建筑、城市集成技术应用解决方案展、基础建筑展(MADE EXPO)是面向建筑社区的产品和解决方案展。
参展企业将面向采购决策者的各种环境的创新产品和解决方案,遇见具有良好消费潜力的合格专业人士,增加您的业务,开拓新的联系和新的市场,面对该领域的挑战,分享成功案例和最佳实践。GEE 观众来自: 建筑师, 设计师, 工程师, 建筑公司, 房地产专业人士, 维修专业人员, 设施经理, 公寓管理员, 经销商, 安装人员。
展品范围(Show Products):
电梯、电梯系统和预制组件, 自动扶梯和自动人行道, 停车系统, 电梯部件, 齿轮, 控件, 监控和安全系统, 电梯间, 弦线、电缆, 科德,鱼子酱, 服务和可视化元素, 液压系统, 卫生系统, 配件。
展会报告(Show Reports):
According to the most recent European Lift Association (ELA) data for 2021, there are 6.4 million elevators in Europe (142,000 new elevators in 2021) with nearly 148,000 employees. There are more than 157,000 escalators with more than 3,000 new installations in 2021.
While in Italy, the Elevator and Escalator industry is worth 2.3 billion and sees our country second in exports in the world after China with 42 percent of turnover coming from foreign sales. Italy is the second largest country in the world in terms of elevators, with nearly 1,000,000 installations making nearly one hundred million rides every day. More than 70 percent of the elevators in service in our country, however, have been in operation for more than twenty years and nearly 50 percent for more than thirty years (Source ANIE-Assoascensori).
As the smart city becomes more and more real, since many cities, Milan in the lead, are rapidly evolving in that direction, the event is as an unprecedented showcase on one of the segments most sensitive to the changes taking place and the most interesting for urban renewal and energy cost reduction.
An efficient elevator consumes 27% less energy, but a system, made with ultra-light materials, smart electronics that put it on standby if not in use, and equipped with systems that recover energy during braking, can save up to 50% in energy.
The first edition of GEE - Global Elevator Exhibition, was held from 15 to 17 November 2023 in Fieramilano (Rho), attracting great international interest among companies and operators in the sector. The event took place within MIBA – Milan International Building Alliance, a strategic alliance between related sectors to present a complete, integrated and in-depth offer on the building sector. Overall, MIBA registered 80,000 operators from 111 countries, and the participation of more than 1350 companies and 427 international buyers from 72 countries.
The event was confirmed as a key reference point for the sector, finding consensus from operators and experts in the elevator sector, who for some time demanded an international space of comparison in Italy, a country that plays a significant role in this sector: positioning itself as the second world exporter of lifts, second only to China.