美国大急流城国际噪声和振动会议及展览会(SAE Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition)是全球首屈一指的机动噪声与振动技术展览会议活动,致力于移动噪声、振动和粗糙度的解决方案,该展两年一届,在美国密歇根州大急流城德沃斯会议中心举行。作为参展商展示贵组织的最新产品或创新,将您的品牌置于主要决策者面前,专注于噪音,振动和苛刻度的行业盛会。该展作为领先的汽车、商业车辆和航空航天专业人士提供分享NVH最新技术和音质的论坛。
该展涉及范围包括:设计、测试、咨询和研发服务,零部件供应商,一级供应商/一级系统集成商,原始设备制造商,重型包括重型卡车,军事,铁路,船舶,学术界,航空航天包括供应商、商业、区域,专用车等。参与范围有:电力和推进包括环境、排放和HEV / EV,车辆动力学和底盘/车辆处理,噪音、振动和粗糙度,测试和测试,电气/电子与电子系统,人为因素/人体工程学,建模/仿真,物料,热熔胶含空气控制,安全,软件与软件工程,空气动力学,其他软件与软件工程,造型/设计,液压/气动元件。
该展观众从工作岗位包括:工程包括研发、产品与系统设计开发与工程管理,市场/销售,学术界,公司行政人员包括采购员,测试、验证和认证包括管理,顾问,制造与生产,QA / QC包括管理等。观众的职位包括:工程师,工程管理,研发工程师,OEM材料供应商,销售与市场营销,学术界等。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
The SAE Noise and Vibration Conference and Exhibition (NVC) unites more than 1,000 forward thinking engineers, executives, researchers, designers, and academia—biennially—to discuss the latest technologies surrounding NVH and sound quality.
Connect with the biggest names across the entire supply chain community to collaborate on the challenges facing the industry, including noise source identification, vibration prevention, and harshness reduction. The conversations you have, whether in the hallways, classrooms, or on the exhibit floor, will get you up to speed on the requirements and strategies needed to meet those challenges. The cutting-edge technical sessions and dynamic keynotes will feature industry executives from across the field and will enhance your expertise.
In May of 2025—expect to take part in over three-days-worth of technical sessions, workshops, panels, and hands-on exhibition. NVC focuses on practical solutions for powertrains, exhausts, tires, interiors, as well as external environments. Attend critical networking opportunities with technical leaders spanning the full range of NVH.
Noise & Vibration Conference & Exhibition, Multiple, May 10-13, 2027, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.