拉丁美洲国际饲料加工工业展览会(Victam LatAm)是国际上最大的、最专业的饲料加工工业展览会,是国际饲料行业盛会 ,两年一届,在巴西圣保罗国际展览中心举行。该展对于饲料行业展示新技术和创新产品,在展会上的动物饲料、水产饲料和宠物食品行业齐全,也是供应商与生产商一起汇聚的地方。VICTAM LatAm在巴西圣保罗举行,是世界上最大和领先的动物饲料、宠物食品和水产饲料行业的国际展览和会议。
闻名遐迩的“Victam 国际饲料加工工业展”、“Grapas 国际粮食加工工业展”、“FIAAP国际饲料及添加剂展”同期举办,有来自中西欧、东欧、南欧、北非、中东、北美、拉丁美洲、亚洲的关注粮食和饲料生产的重要专业买家,将悉数前来参观此次荟萃国际顶级饲料和粮食设备供应商的业界盛会。
作为展品集中在以下产业链区:从大米、谷物等粮食原料的分选、输送、仓储,到研磨、制粉、加工以及包装成为最终的人类或动物食品的专业设备展会。Victam /Grapas国际展汇聚了世界各国领先的饲料机械、面粉机械、粮食处理辅助设备及技术方案供应商。众多世界著名的厂商如Buhler、Ocrim、SATAKE、GBS、GSI、Altuntas AS、Stolz等,以及中国知名企业牧羊、正昌、镇江三维、湘粮机械、吉美粮机等仅是众多展商中的几家,这些企业几乎每届参展。
展品范围(Show Products):
展会报告(Show Reports):
The VICTAM events are by far the world’s largest dedicated events for the animal feed processing industries. With VICTAM LatAm, now VICTAM also has its Latin American platform, where the focus will be on the opportunities in Brazil and its surrounding countries. As in other parts of the world VICTAM will be launched in paralel to GRAPAS LatAm, the event for grain, rice, soy and flour milling and processing. Above this, in Latin America VICTAM partners with the North American grain processing and handling association GEAPS, who launches its event GEAPS in co-location with VICTAM and GRAPAS. Together the three events are the place to be for feed and grain processing and handling.
The exhibition is a ‘one-stop’ show for the decision-makers within these industries. Each visitor will be able to find what they are looking for, all under one roof over three days. The event also focuses on a series of high-quality industry conferences and business matchmaking with colleagues and clients.
VICTAM LatAm and GRAPAS LatAm 2025 in co-location with GEAPS will take place from September 16 - 18, 2025 at Expo Center Norte, white pavilion, São Paulo, Brazil. The eleborate conferences program and technical seminars will take place simultaneously in the conference rooms in the same venue.