

   日期:2023-12-17     浏览:11427    状态:状态
展会日期 2026-10-20 至 2026-10-22
展出城市 拉斯维加斯
展出地址 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心(Las Vegas Convention Center)
展馆名称 拉斯维加斯会议展览中心
主办单位 美国国家商务航空协会
承办单位 18SZ.com Trade Fairs & Messe
官方网站 点击此处直接访问(To Visit Website)
在线报名 在线报名


美国公务航空会议暨展览会(BACE - Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition)是全球最大的公务航空及商务飞机展览会,是商务飞机及公务飞机专业设施及维护、运营、飞机内饰等展览会,一年一届,在拉斯维加斯或奥兰德举行,将汇集于来自世界各地的关键航空业专业人士达25000人,包括现有的和潜在的商业飞机所有者,制造商和各地客商到一个聚会的地方,以获得重要的工作来实现的。这个重要的行业盛会将提供:1000多家参展商的最新产品和服务,静态展示近100多架并排侧停商用飞机,几十个教育及培训课程,以帮助您安全、高效运行商务飞机。


NBAA公务航空会展展览:千万不要错过你来展示在世界上最大和最重要的商务航空活动。 NBAA-USA BACE反映了我们行业的力量 - 因为大家谁是任何人将在一个地方一次(奥兰多/拉斯维加斯)展示公务航空相关产品。有没有其他的航空事件没有能与之匹敌!关键的运营商和行业领袖将在NBAA展会现场满足开展业务,做出购买决定,并计划一年的公务航空活动。参加者是行业中的决策者,会花时间在展览场地,会议,与参展商互动,这些观展者在购买过程中的核心作用,为他们的公司。


NBAA- 商务航空在同一个地方的世界:NBAA展品会在室内静态展示,将展示世界上最优秀的商务飞机、服务和产品,会有超过25000人参加。NBAA的主要参与者是在整个下一年的购买预算和采购决策的公务机运营商。调查显示,做了所有与会者约定82%的购买他们公司的航空设备和服务的最终决定权或高影响力。这些运营商花费了大量的时间与接口参展商和他们的同龄人来收集信息在所有的新的改善和他们的飞行,以帮助其业务增长。


到达所有与会者 - 让您的公司最大化参与:NBAA参展公司的飞机或航空产品和服务是最有效和最有影响力的除了你的年度营销计划 - 这是为了保证购买者来自世界各地的会识别你的品牌,并与贵公司参与到持续的基础上的最好方式。在现场,参展商可与各种大小和位置的选择定制自己的展览需求。参加者花费超过2.1个工作日在展会上 - 就是他们对下一年做出购买决定!对于飞机制造商和销售代理商,展会的静态展示,提供了一个独特的场所展示各种规模的飞机。

展品范围(Show Products):

声学;航空医学设备;空中救护服务;包机/运营商服务;飞机经纪商;飞机清洗材料;飞机清洁和详图服务;飞机经销商;飞机经销商;飞机管理服务;飞机零部件及配件;飞机制造商;机场园区;机场管理;机场/机场管理局;设施供应商;评估服务;协会和组织;航空营销服务;航空电子设备制造商分销商经销商与服务;电池制造商销售和服务;机舱盥洗室设备和服务;客舱/驾驶舱音频/视频设备;地毯制造商和服务供应;餐饮服务;商会;学院大学和学校;组件设计工程修理和大修;复合材料;计算机软件服务和咨询;顾问 - 管理法律税务;企业培训服务;信用卡;经济发展;电气系统;应急培训计划和服务;发动机经销商修理改装和大修;发动机制造商;发动机零件部件;宗教组织;金融和商业服务;阻燃材料制造商供应商;飞行机组配件和制服;飞行甲板设备;飞行计划服务;飞行模拟器制造商和培训;飞行培训服务;分数分享供应商;燃料供应商;油箱和设备;GPS服务;政府机构 - 联邦国家地方;地面支持设备;地面运输;机库销售,设计与施工;健康和安全产品;在飞行娱乐系统和电信;仪器制造商和分销商;仪器培训和维修;保险;室内设计,安装和修改;租赁和销售;真皮内饰;照明 - 飞机和机场;维护服务程序和系统;维护和维修站;油漆和装修材料;人事服务;能力培训;螺旋桨制造商销售和服务;出版物;安全审计;安全检验的产品和培训;安全和应急设备;卫星通信;座椅制造商;安全系统;救生设备;测试设备;刀具制造商和分销商;培训计划;旅游服务;气象服务;窗口/挡风玻璃制造和维修。


展会报告(Show Reports):

Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 19, 2023 – The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today concluded a momentous 2023 Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE), underscoring the industry’s mission to achieve net-zero flight, and celebrating the trailblazers and technology building toward that future.

Sustainability permeated the agenda all week, with a dozen leaders from across the industry leveraging business aviation’s largest event to launch a new initiative, Climbing. Fast., affirming the entire sector’s commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050. “At NBAA-BACE we made clear: business aviation is on a mission to net zero – and we are Climbing. Fast.,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen.

The game-changing advances delivering a sustainable future of airborne mobility were on vivid display, on both the show floor and in the air. For the first time ever, electric air taxis soared over the aircraft display at Henderson Executive Airport (HND), in demonstration flights each day by advanced air mobility (AAM) pioneer Volocopter of its 2X multirotor personal air vehicle.

Henderson and the Las Vegas Convention Center set the stage for the many amazing new aircraft unveiled at NBAA-BACE, including the Textron Aviation’s Cessna Citation CJ3 Gen2, the Honda Echelon and Embraer Phenom 100EX, as well as the convention debuts of the Airbus ACJ220, the Beechcraft Denali and Bombardier’s certified pre-owned Challenger 300.  

“NBAA-BACE brought together the thrilling innovations and industry visionaries shaping the future of aviation,” said Bolen. “We had a huge number of exciting product launches, and showcased the breakthroughs in propulsion, increasingly efficient aircraft and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) that are cutting emissions while transforming mobility.”

The show also made clear that business aviation’s drive to decarbonize is built on a foundation of safety. In a keynote discussion with Bolen, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Chair Jennifer Homendy and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Deputy Administrator Katie Thomson detailed their work with business aviation stakeholders to continually enhance aviation safety and efficiency.   

Held throughout NBAA-BACE, the annual Single-Pilot Safety Standdown, the Small Operators Symposium and the National Safety Forum addressed risk management, preventing runway excursions and cultivating leadership in small flight departments.

More than 800 exhibitors showcased stunning concepts, including the unmanned aircraft systems and AAM vehicles in the Emerging Tech Pavilion from VoltAero, Wisk and others. Just outside the convention center, BLADE Urban Air Mobility returned with its popular flights to the airport, offering a look at evolving on-demand aviation models. 

In moving keynotes, barrier-breaking aviators captivated crowds. Retired Col. Nicole Malachowski shared how she overcame hurdles and self-doubt to become the U.S. Air Force’s first female Thunderbird pilot. Wildly successful aviator and entrepreneur Jared Isaacman talked with his fellow civilian astronaut Dr. Sian Proctor about their historic journey into space.

Exhilarating journeys were commemorated throughout the show, with three aircraft used to film the blockbuster film “Top Gun: Maverick” parked on the show floor: an Aero L-39 “Cinejet,” Embraer Phenom 300 Camera Jet and an Airbus H125 Camera Helicopter.

Tennis superstars and powerhouse philanthropists Andre Agassi and Stefanie Graf also inspired keynote audiences, as did Shark Tank investor and FUBU CEO Daymond John, with stories of triumphing over adversity and making meaningful change in peoples’ lives. 

Further illustrating the sector’s commitment to decarbonization, SAF was available at all three Las Vegas-area airports. All turbine aircraft departed with the renewable fuel, which can reduce net-carbon emissions by up to 80%. Also as part of the show, 78 leading companies took the NBAA-BACE Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge, entailing a variety of actions to shrink their carbon footprint and reduce waste. 

A number of convention sessions provided insights from government leaders who outlined the FAA’s partnership with industry to decarbonize and enable new modes of flight, including Shannetta Griffin, FAA associate administrator for airports; David Boulter, FAA associate administrator for aviation safety; Paul Fontaine, FAA assistant administrator for NextGen; Tim Arel, chief operating officer of the FAA’s Air Traffic Organization and; Jeffrey Vincent, FAA executive director of the UAS Integration Office.

NBAA-BACE was also where the next generation of business aviation leaders found nearly endless pathways for turning a passion into a profession. Students and career-seekers had the chance to discuss job and internship possibilities with recruiters at the Collegiate Connect gathering and the first-ever, two-day NBAA Career Fair. At the inaugural NBAA-BACE maintenance competition, run by Flying Classroom’s Bombardier Academy, students from across the country tested their skills for fun and prizes. 

“This year’s NBAA-BACE was unforgettable on every level,” said Bolen. “We saw history in the making, with new types of carbon-free aircraft taking flight, a new advocacy initiative launched to champion the industry’s mission to net-zero flying, and a new generation of leaders making this industry all their own. This incredible week, the future started to become reality.”

NBAA will return to Las Vegas for next year’s edition of NBAA-BACE from Oct. 20-22, 2026.


地址:201-21,Haisong Building B,Terra Ninth Road,Futian District,Shenzhen,518040,GD,PRC
美国公务航空会议暨展览会(BACE - Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition)是全球最大的公务航空及商务飞机展览会,是商务飞机及公务飞机专业设施及维护、运营、飞机内饰等展览会,一年一届,在拉斯维加斯或奥兰德举行,将汇集于来自世界各地的关键航空业专业人士达25000人,包括现有的和潜在的商业飞机所有者,制造商和各地客商到一个聚会的地方,以获得重要的工作来实现的。


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