亚太工业传动力4.0展览会(ITAP - Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC)是亚太地区领先的工业博览会。展览会汇集了由制造商、政府机构和从跨国公司(MNC)到中小企业(SME)组成的系统,以塑造并实现其转型计划。此次展览定制和策划了独特的“学习之旅”旨在帮助公司开始、扩展和持续采用工业4.0流程和解决方案。2019年,由新加坡新展展览集团和国际合作伙伴汉诺威展览主办的亚太工业传动力4.0展览会(ITAP)得到了新加坡政府机构的大力支持,包括科学技术研究局(A * Star)、新加坡经济发展局(EDB)、新加坡企业发展局(ESG)、新加坡裕廊镇管理局(JTC Corporation)和新加坡旅游局(STB)。
关键行业:航空航天,汽车,基础设施设备,化工 ,电气电子,能源,食品饮料,物流与供应链管理,油气,生物医药 ,半导体,城市解决方案;
工作职能:业务发展,合规性审计,金融投资,信息技术(IT), 采购,生产, 生产管理,质量控制与保证,研发,技术销售;
展品范围(Show Products):
资产管理系统, 大数据管理, 云计算,网络安全, 数据基础架构 设计及产品研发, 企业资源规, 机器学习, 制造执行系统, 数字挛生(Digital Twin) 预见性维护,产品生命周期管理,研发,安全技术, 培训与教育, 虚拟现实与加强现实技术,虚拟投产;
工业自动化:工厂和工序自动化、系统解决方案及工业 信息技术(IT)解决方案
促动器, 组装与处理系统,自动系统,线缆及能源载体, 电能运输 现场总线系统,机器视觉技术, 仪表测控系统,物联网(IoT),激光技术 线性驱动器, 微科技,运动控制,工序自动化,产品与商标保护 气压自动化技术, 研发, 机器人及系统整合, 安全组件及系统, 传感器 培训与教育, 振动测量系统;
自动导航汽车, 运输系统,生态托盘系统, 工业卡车及叉式起重机, 标签系统与鉴别确认 升降台, 物流信息技术(IT), 包装及订单包装系统,货架系统, 研发 存储入库设备, 空间解决方案供应商, 供应链管理系统,培训与教育, 完整可使用的物流系统 仓储管理系统;
效能照明,能源管理解决方案, 热能回收系统, 中央空调设备(采暖、通风、空调) 建筑电气装置的计量表、分配系统,建筑工程的定位器和促动器, 发电服务 生产节能技术,可再生能源,研发, 安全开关 培训与教育。
展位费用(Booth Fees):12平米标准展位:¥53,000/个,光地展位:¥3,800/㎡(24㎡起)。
展会报告(Show Reports):
Technological advancements such as big data, robotics, artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, etc., are redefining manufacturing processes, design and production facilities, distribution systems and global supply chains. Manufacturers and businesses, from multinational corporations (MNC) to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Asia-Pacific recognise that current business models are no longer sustainable; they must change and adapt; there is an emerging readiness, but the pace of transformation is uneven.
Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC – a HANNOVER MESSE event (ITAP) is a strategic platform that evolves with the industry and is shaped by the leaders and experts in support of their transformative initiatives; a journey that is necessary and made possible by the process of digitalisation by Industry 4.0.
Designed and curated to help companies in Asia-Pacific to START, SCALE, and SUSTAIN their adoption of Industry 4.0 processes and solutions. ITAP brings together the ecosystem of players and stakeholders across the value chain to learn, share, collaborate, network, and do business with each other. The event offers comprehensive content-rich learning avenues and themed activity zones for companies at various stages of business transformation to explore, collaborate and co-create solutions to future-proof their businesses. Cohesively, ITAP brings together a self-contained ecosystem and helps build a professional community for end-to-end engagements among I4.0 practitioners, technology & solution providers, industrial companies, component manufacturers, software companies, manufacturing solutions suppliers, and service companies & consultancies, and start-ups.